I got robbed this morning!

by Iamallcool 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    So Biden was the direct cause of both the invasion of Ukraine and the price of gas rising besides all the other idiotic things he did (the extension of COVID, the variants since, economic depression etc)

    Biden was involved in Russia taking Crimea under Obama. Then nothing happened while Trump was in power. As soon as Biden is elected the world goes to shit again and Russia invades Ukraine.

    These things are not coincidences. They are planned. War in Ukraine was being built up and then had to be put on hold after Trumps win. Does anyone think that it's coincidence that the Ukraine has one of the highest rates of corruption in Europe and also, so many kids of top Democrats mysteriously work for Ukraine companies despite having no relevant experience ... besides their proximity to power and being a convenient conduit to channel money?

    All you clowns that spent years chanting "Russia Russia Russia" and claiming Trump had links to Ukraine then suddenly go blind to what is happening.

  • Simon

    At this point you can pretty much take anything CNN, The Washington Post and NYT says as lies and propaganda. The truth is more likely to be the exact opposite of whatever dem propaganda they are pushing that day.

    Like Hunter Biden's laptop - don't forget that was all about Ukraine and making sure there was 10% for the big guy.

    Daddy Biden is as corrupt as he is racist and incompetent. They sow chaos and war because it's profitable.

  • peacefulpete
    I think I will just walk

    Always a good option when possible.

    Change is always awkward and generally met with hundreds of excuses why not to change. If the supply chain of lithium or cobalt presently involves human rights abuses, get involved in human rights defense. Support organizations that seek change and expose abuses. These efforts do make a difference.

  • FedUpJW

    What you are hearing from anti-oil, pro green new deal lobbyists and leftist political pundits is a mix of half truths and distortions.

  • peacefulpete
    That pic of the kids is rough to see 😭

    Careful you're sounding like a bleeding heart liberal.

  • peacefulpete
    "money can be exchanged for goods and services".
    It's the same with oil and gas - the US wants it because the US needs it because the US uses it.That isn't changing anytime soon. The only question is who do you buy it from, and instead of buying ethically sourced oil from the closest ally, Biden ensured that the US instead has to buy it from dictators and has to compete with other idiots who also made themselves dependent on them.

    Canadian oil exports to the US have increased since Biden took office. And, while still a small percentage, Candian oil companies are increasingly shipping through the US to the Gulf and reexporting it to China and India. Presently about 3 million barrels a day. Canadian oil barrels head out of the U.S. Gulf in record numbers | Reuters Remember two things, the world of international commerce is far more complex than Homer understands, and the US government DOES NOT dictate how oil brokers do business within the limits of sanctions and such matters. Brokers are the ones who decide who to buy from. These decisions are determined by corporate profits and oil purity needs of refineries. Again to assume the President is making these decisions is to assume a nationalization of the oil industry.

    Presently the US has oil sanctions on Iran, Venezuela and Russia. These are on this short list precisely because they are dictatorships with bad human rights records.

  • Simon
    If the supply chain of lithium or cobalt presently involves human rights abuses, get involved in human rights defense. Support organizations that seek change and expose abuses. These efforts do make a difference.

    The biggest power most people have is as a consumer. Don't buy, and it doesn't happen. Anything else is just something to soothe a bad conscience.

  • Simon
    Presently the US has oil sanctions on Iran, Venezuela and Russia. These are on this short list precisely because they are dictatorships with bad human rights records.

    Meaningless shell game. It's like someone not wanting to spend money on groceries, and agreeing to pay the mortgage instead as long as their partner pays for the groceries.

    The same groceries are still bought. The same money is still spent. It even comes out of the same accounts but is just split up differently. The net spending is still exactly the same.

    Europe buys someone else's oil and the US buys the oil they might have otherwise. It's probably all handled at the spreadsheet level by notionally changing who owns what.

    But it's a decent con for the easily fooled to make them feel better that they are "doing something", just like campaigning for human rights while purchasing products that perpetuate slavery and misery.

  • Simon
    Again to assume the President is making these decisions is to assume a nationalization of the oil industry.

    I might not set the timetable or chose the color of the seats, but if I stop a railway line being built I am in control of the railway.

    If the cost to transport goods goes up because I stopped infrastructure being built, wouldn't it be my fault?

  • pistolpete

    Careful you're sounding like a bleeding heart liberal.

    Not even close

    Liberals are fighting hard to be able to abort a baby a little farther than 24 weeks. Some as far as 32 weeks.

    That's worse than the kids on the pic.


    Because If you are a Liberal, you believe that a woman has the right to decide what happens with her body, and no one should have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body, including aborting a baby at 32 weeks just because she feels like it.

    Not making kids slaves but killing them outright.

    Yet top liberal Michelle Obama’s mission when her husband took office was to ban the use of certain foods that people enjoy. Such as trans fats and limit the use of sugar, and much more. This doesn’t make sense, because if a Liberal woman’s argument in support of abortion is that no one gets to tell her what to do with her body, why then do they want to ban foods, regulate school lunches and force restaurants to serve certain kinds of foods and leave certain ingredients, such as salt or sugar off their tables?

    Are they not limiting an individual’s freedoms and own right to choose?

    Liberals don't have a heart, all they care about is themselves.

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