The March JW broadcast, presented by paedophile enabler Geoffery Jackson

by jambon1 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • jambon1

    All warm and fluffy this month after the utterly laughable 'bread' broadcast.

    I'll always be grateful to the Australian royal commission for allowing us to see this duplicitous, lying, creep, shown up as a snivelling, suck up, asshole, taken completely out of his self appointed authoritarian comfort zone.

    Anyway, a not too interesting broadcast I have to say.

  • sir82

    No more wheedles for more, more, more money?

    Surprising. Oh well, I'm sure they'll just double up their supplications next month.

  • punkofnice

    I thought he'd been put into the closet after the ARC.

    Shameless piece of filthy watchtower corporation pope.

  • fastJehu

    Wow, a new cooking show - this time: how to bake bread for the "last supper".

    After the garlic bread show in february - another bread show.

    Pinch me - is this reality????

  • crazy_flickering_light
    I'm waiting for the how-to for making good wine.
  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In fact, according to an interesting article in the Italian ex-jw website, the scriptures suggest that the bread passed around at the last supper was not the unleavened matzoh of the Jewish Passover (azuma in Greek) but rather the common everyday generic leavened loaf (arton) . This is true in all three Gospel references to the Last Supper of Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22 and Luke 22:19. It's the same word employed in Matthew 4:4 when Satan urged Jesus to turn stones into bread (arton) and Matt. 7:9 when God would never give a child asking for bread a stone. Moreover there's no reference to the use of wine, in the Exodus Passover.

  • wannaexit

    So now they want the sisters to make the bread???? Store bought isn't good enough??

  • stuckinarut2
    It's becoming more and more unbelievable and tragic.....
  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    In next month's JW Bread-Cast:

    "The 10-second rule re-examined"

    David Splane will reveal why briefly perusing certain web sites -which may appear completely inoffensive- can actually damage your spiritual health... Much like observing the "10-second rule" when bread falls on the floor. You can still become ill if you pick up the fallen bread in less than 10 seconds if it falls on a contaminated floor...

    Oh f~€K, I just gave them an idea... Let's see how long it takes for these fools to use this...

  • freddo

    And of course there will be the regular bulletin on jwbreadcasting:

    Give us your dough!


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