I Will Give President Biden Credit

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    When you get your answer, you say JWD has become totally right wing nutso. I do get a kick out of this. Even if you don’t like the manner the comments are made, you really can’t say this doesn’t represent the agenda of the Democrats.

  • Rocketman123

    I believe politicians should be judged and evaluated by their actions and effective policies and how those established policies work to the betterment of the population that they are designed for.

    political party name or identity is really irreverent

    Some people attache themselves to parties and fight to protect the representative of that party tooth and nail by presenting misinformation and structured self serving biases, kind like religious devotion and uncompromising loyalty .

    I can think of one religious organization where its member are very much like that .

  • minimus

    Psssst, just so you know, politicians say what they say because of their party affiliation. 99% of politicians adhere to the party line. So I don’t know what you are trying to say.

  • Rocketman123

    What I'm saying is that the person at the top level of governments usually with a couple advisers makes or creates the policies.

    These created polices dont have to have a D or R stamped on them as in the case of the US.

  • Rocketman123

    Picking political sides and then holding up a wall or a theoretical gun in your hand at the ready, only leads to ineffective government where the ending result no one really wins

  • minimus

    Rocket man, you have a lot to learn about politics. You don’t get to the top unless you adhere to the party line. Once you get there, you may have some authority but you are beholden to many special interest groups. These groups give money 💴 and without support you are done.

  • Rocketman123

    That's true to certain extent Min but sometimes politicians try to resole problems on their on accord with a partial influence from their backing financial supporters.

    I think the Canadian style of federal government is better that the US for there appears to be more open debate and criticism from various parties toward the polices that the in power government are making.

  • minimus

    Well money always talks. I’m not as familiar with Canadian politics but I believe they are extremely liberal. I doubt very much that very conservative politicians change the minds of their opposition. Typically the ruling party gets their ideology to enforce.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    I am astonished at the immensely high percentage of posts on this web site's political message boards that are antagonistic of the Democratic party and of politically liberal policies. Are most ex-JWs really antagonistic of progressive/liberal politically?

    Many ex-JWs (including those on this site) are atheists and most atheists in the USA are politically and socially progressive/liberal, so one would think that there would be many more political posts on this site that are favorable of politically progressive/liberal policies, than is currently being posted onto this web site.

    Biden's version of the Green New Deal is a very good thing and he is doing what he can to implement it. Biden's handling the Covid-19 vaccine distribution is very good and the results from such actions are very very good (there are now far fewer new cases of Covid-19 infections and far fewer deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the USA than there were 7 months ago). The USA stock market continues to rise under the Biden administration and a great many people are returning to work. Many more women are being allowed to enter the USA military and they are entering the USA military, and they are successfully meeting the same rigorous standards that the men are meeting.

  • Vidiot
    Disillusioned JW - "Many ex-JWs (including those on this site) are atheists and most atheists in the USA are politically and socially progressive/liberal..."

    True, but the WTS is - by and large - an fundamentally conservative organization, and just because some JWs leave the WT, doesn't mean they leave conservatism per se. Not to mention that the conditioning to distrust "The World" can be somewhat difficult for some to grow past.

    Like you, I'm still occasionally surprised to see XJWs lean that way, as I personally had enough of that sort of thing when I was still in...

    ...but everybody processes their WTexit differently.

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