by Terry 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Stuck in the middle37
    Stuck in the middle37

    That is a interesting topic. It was in the early 60's, I had been married about two years We were living in the bay area of northern California, when two Federal Marshals knocked on the door and arrested me. I knew it was coming but not when. I had turned down two or three letters with alternate job offers.They had my trial in San Fransico. I spent a month there and was then transported to the federal prison in Tucson Ariz. It was about 17 miles outside of town and 1/2 up Mt.Lemon. The drive there was interesting there was two federal marshals in front and three of us in the back, chained up and handcuffed that's the way we walked into the restaurants to eat, you should have seen the people stare I was the only jw the other two were criminals.

    There about 12 witnesses when I got there and almost 27 when I left We had all the meeting I was the school servant while I was there. The city servant from Tucson came once a month,the only thing we couldn't have was wine for the memorial. Most of the witnesses were from California North and south. I knew some of the ones from southern calif. and almost all from the north. My wife moved to Tucson they had visits every weekend she was an amazing girl then only 18 yrs. old I was able to sell some land to support her while she was there.

    There a lot more I could write but you get the idea. I remember having a big reunite at the Rose Bowl assemble that next summer at lest the ones that were out by then. I must say there were some witnesses in there that were real jerks but I've found that to be true in every congregation I've been in. I thought I would never forget names of those guy but I have.The lives of some them didn't turn out good. I still have the same girl with me. We live down in the Phoenix area now, I've gone back to the camp a few times its been torn down now for many years. Looking back at that time I most say the organization had little to do with it. It was between me and God (I don't use the word Jehovah any more). About 8 or 9 years ago I didn't like what I seen happening to the organization so I gave up what responsibility I had and quit no meeting no service nothing. I was a little nervous about my wife. So far everything is working out.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Hi Terry,

    I can relate to your life experience. Although I didn't get prison time, I was sentenced to 2 years of 'civilian duty' working in a hospital back in 1968 followed by 3 years on probation. At the time, I was so proud of my stance but I have to admit I was also somewhat relieved that I didn't got to prison. I was newly married, less than a year. I knew of at least 4 young married brothers that were sent to Safford, Arizona prison for 18 months. At first, it was sort of 'fun and games' for their young wives to go and visit their incarcerated young husbands that had been so unjustly jailed by 'satans system of things'. It didn't take long before these 'poor' young wives found comfort in the arms of another man, some of the 'other men' were jw's. Who knows, if I had been sent to prison would I still be married to my wife of 48 years?

    just saying!


  • Terry

    I've discovered over the years that my "Brothers" in the congregation did everything in their power to undermine me with my fiancee', repeatedly asking her out on dates and explaining how I wasn't worth waiting for.

    I never got even so much as a "Thinking/Praying for you" card from my congregation in the entire time I was inside.

    The moment I re-entered my old Kingdom Hall I was met by the Congregation Overseer who held a Pioneer sign-up form for me to fill out and sign.

    Not one single soul asked me about the Brothers still inside or how things had been. The most common comment I got was, "I'll bet it was like going to college being able to study your Bible all the time."

    Yeah, sure--how would I know? We never went to college as JW's.

    I loved the guys inside. I still do.

    I've tried to contact most of them. My dearest ones are now dead or completely indoctrinated.

    Sigh. . .

  • Finkelstein

    Cold hearted indoctrination is just that.

    Sounds like the single men tried take advantage of you not being around and made advances onto your fiance.

    Nice warm christian love that is.

  • blondie
    stuckinthemiddle, were they any "anointed" jws in the prison? I'm sad to hear about all your experiences. We had a mix of responses from the government. 2 brothers went to prison. 1 was ASSIGNED to hospital duty and was told by the elders that he could do it.. The others were found to be 4-D although there was essentially no difference in the circumstances. My non-jw father helped 2 soldiers that became jws find their way out of the military legally. I have read of 2 jws who went to prison during the Korean War and found it next to impossible to get a job...both started their own business (not windowwashing) and eventually had their felony redacted (can't remember the term). Even one older jw who went to Sandridge during WW2 but volunteered for a lumber assignment not realizing that was not allowed.
  • Terry

    In my experience, I've only even met one self-identified 'anointed' in my life.

    Being anointed is non-testable and non-falsifiable.

    Out of my congregation, I'm the only Brother I know who suffered imprisonment. I know for a fact,

    the others looked out for themselves by lying.

    Ahh, why didn't I think of that?

    So simple!

  • Stuck in the middle37
    Stuck in the middle37

    Blondie There were no anointed in the group of people I was with. Over the years I have met a lot people who said they were of that class, especial was that true in the early years when I was 1'st baptized I had no trouble believing them. In the later times I just though my hands up and though, who know. As a elder we would talk about it after the memorial did you see any one partake. I don't believe we every talk to anyone about it. At this point let me say how much I enjoy your comments .You always bring a good viewpoint to the topic. I have never heard you say what your thought are. Are they in line with the quotes you make or what? It's hard sometime time, on this website to express a view point. Some things or topic become like a feeding frizzle I almost never joined because of that.

  • Stuck in the middle37
    Stuck in the middle37

    Terry I had about the same experience as you, know one cared. This organ has no love in it.

  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    The Federal Judge in Sacramento Ca. had the opinion that jailing a JW was a waste of Govt. funds, hence he fined us $3,000. I was to report to his office where he had pictures of Abraham Lincoln who allowed men to buy their way out of the army for $300, so he just tacked on another zero for inflation.

    I was one of those community service in lieu of military induction a violation of conscience, guys. I am from Redding in Northern Calif.

  • Terry

    I have met very few to almost none of JW's aware of the "Neutrality" controversy. I tried in my first book to give the history of Early Christians in how they dealt with the issue (service to Superior Authority) and followed it up to modern times. JW's are pretty much distinct in a quite arbitrary declaration of wrong-headed interpretation of a fairly transparent policy stated in Romans 13.

    They turn on and off the spigot of revelation to suit the whims of the leaders. Who it hurts is of no consequence.

    Everything which opposes their enLIGHTenment is seen as Satan.

    It is quite a morbid policy which wallows in martyrdom to the point of self-aggrandisement.

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