Good idea or bad idea?

by stephanie61092 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stephanie61092

    Hi, everyone. First and foremost, thank you so much to so many of you who have reached out to me over the past few days since my post on Sunday.

    I am okay.

    I'm not totally in the best mental state, however, I do have a very small amount of people that I can lean on for support. I relayed my feelings to a friend (my only friend, really), who took the initiative to inform my family. Since then, several family members have reached out and reopened the lines of communication - for now. As for attending therapy, I'm still forming my opinion. I've only been twice so far.

    So now my question. Despite being "awake," I have resumed going to meetings simply so I can maintain (relatively) normal family ties after reinstatement. Some have sent me some "tips" for getting reinstated. One such tip was to put checks in the contribution box every so often, that way the elders would have to see I was donating. I never did this while I was "in". I only ever did it at conventions or assemblies. I don't want to seem "insincere" (how ironic) and I hate knowing that my money would more than likely go to paying legal fees or payouts related to victims of abuse. However, if it would help, I would be willing to do it every so often. So, good idea or bad idea?

    Also, please don't think that I believe that the victims of abuse don't deserve the payouts because I whole heartedly believe they do. I just don't think it's right that the organization doesn't acknowledge this and in turn leads everyone to believe that their donations go towards building projects.

  • brandnew

    If they need to pay lawyers, and victims.....they can sell off their luxury waterfront homes to do it. Why must innocent people have to pay the bad guys bill? Also steph....remember that people care about you, and here we understand, because we are either going through it, or have been through it. Either way....the sun comes up every morning to shine on us. Except in parts of alaska i think..😨😨😨....or something like during certain parts of the year....n stuff☺

    Mad Puppy

  • OneGenTwoGroups
    If it's just MSs handling the accounts, the elders may never see any check with your name on it.
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Putting anything of value in the box in order to facilitate reinstatement is the dumbest thing i have heard for a long time. Dont do it. it is wrong on so many levels.

    Be true to yourself at the very least.

  • ToesUp
    Don't give this cult a dime!
  • dbq407
    Just pretend you are putting cash in the box after meeting. Maybe drop a folded dollar bill when one of the elders are watching, so they at least think you are donating.
  • OutsiderLookingIn

    First of all, welcome!

    Second, wow! Just wow! The hits just keep on coming with this man-made organization. As a general matter, I do believe that giving is a part of worship. But this is the most blatant money grab I've ever heard of. You said you only gave at assemblies and conventions. That was an offering from your heart (or guilt or whatever). But now they're suggesting you give to get reinstated? Absolutely not! Exactly where does the Bible say you can buy your way into the kingdom of God? God wants repentance from the heart. You can't buy Him off. This sounds just like the Catholic system of indulgences which I'm sure they'd be quick to condemn. Unbelievable!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I don't think the contribution will be noticed and I think it could look "bad" for reinstatement. If you get literature, it might be good to be seen putting a few bucks in the WWW contribution box (are there still 2 boxes???).

    For reinstatement, don't miss meetings; underline you WT (so they see you're serious and pre-studying); verbally sing (if you can stand the new songs); submit a written request every 60-90 days.


  • Nihilistic Journey
    Nihilistic Journey
    Don't give up on therapy. It is changing my life for the better. Be true to yourself and don't focus on just getting reinstated. If you don't want to donate then don't. Let your actions speak. Demonstrate "zeal" by conversing with your family about "great" things from talks and from the magazines. Maybe ask an elder for a personal study to "strengthen" your faith then kiss @$$ to get him to go to bat for you.
  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    write a cheque--but dont sign it. see what happens next

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