Fleecing the Flock

by Coded Logic 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    At the last assembly I attended in 2005 the cost was $11,000 per day in Yuba City (just over two hours away from our circuit). This always seemed a bit high for a facility that was built on donated land and whose construction loan had been paid off for 20 years.

    I just looked up the cost to rent the Redding Civic Center, which is just as nice if not nicer and a whole lot closer for our circuit, and it only costs $2,500 a day plus $250 for consumables (parking included). If it would save the brother's and sister's $8,250 a day and they could have the assembly locally why wouldn't they do it?

    The more I think about the costs of the assembly's and the conventions the more the numbers don't add up. Anyone else know what you are paying for your assembly hall per day and what it would cost to rent a facility that seats 1,000 to 2,000 people in your area?

  • hoser
    There are threads on here about the pricing of circuit assemblies. It has nothing to do with the cost of the facility but it is based on a per publisher charge.
  • DesirousOfChange

    I just looked up the cost to rent the Redding Civic Center, which is just as nice if not nicer and a whole lot closer for our circuit, and it only costs $2,500 a day plus $250 for consumables (parking included). If it would save the brother's and sister's $8,250 a day and they could have the assembly locally why wouldn't they do it?

    That's the question that needs to be broadcast in every Cong. Force everyone to realize that it's a scam. WTS are scam artists.

    I don't think they were when the idea started, but Assm Halls are nothing more than money making schemes now.


  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    That is where we used to hold the two circuit assemblies. Worked out good. Think about the bros who lived in Alturas, long drive to Redding, now add the extra 120 miles to Yuba City. Major undertaking for a worn out program.

    Yuba City was built on that 'quick build' fervor, 1980's. Quite a 'cash cow'!

    During the time the assemblies were held at the Civic center there was a city manager who made possible the affordable rates. He was replaced, next manager was going to raise the rate some but the real bone of contention was that the city went into contract with a food vender for exclusive rights to provide all food at center events. That was the selling point to build Yuba City.


  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    The figures do seem kind of high. But then you see theses guys on the broadcasts with their fancy watches and their pinky rings.
  • biblexaminer

    How much does an assembly cost? Simple formula.

    1) At the mid day announcements you will hear the attendance. Write it down.

    2) At noon, the elders will meet to take a resolution. It goes like this "we have agreed on the normal figure of $12.00 and we agree to cover the cost of the Visiting Bethel Dude and the CO " (2 hotels rooms and meals)

    3) Multiply the attendance by $12.00 and add the CO and Bethel Dude.

    4) Voila


    The problem is that there is ZERO transparency. Why do they want X amount per publisher? What expenses exist through the year when the Ass Hall is not in use? How many days of the year is it actually used for conventions, ect?? Are they trying to charge each group the maximum that they can get away with to make up for down time?

    Buildings must be maintained to retain their resale value. You have to mow the lawn, keep the RTUs running all year to keep the enviroment mold free, you must maintain the plumbing, parking lot, curbs and sidewalks, manage pest-control, change lights, caulk and paint the exterior building at times, and take care of the roof. I'm sure I missed a lot, but those things must be done.

    A skilled Jack of all trades maintainance worker can cost around $40,000 or more where I live. Then you have contractors that occasionally must be called in to take care of items that go beyond maintainance. Who knows what that could cost? Normally, a large "worldly" building is always busy with events. Some smaller commercial buildings are rented out, and believe me, the renters get f***ed and pay for everything. They pay into a CAM fund ( Common Area Maintenance ) that supposedly goes towards fixing stuff, but the fine print is a bitch in many lease agreements. The name of the game is "Pass the expense to the other guy!"

    So there are real costs involved for the WTBTS. Even so, they are tax free and probably have most maintainance performed by JWs. Some dubs even live at certain facilities, or so I've been told. That seems illegal for a commercial building... There is probably some church loophole.

    There is no question that the WTBTS is a scam, like all organized religion, but how much are they scamming the sheeple? Until they are forced to make their finances available to the public, we will never know.

    I'm a believer that ALL religions who want charitable status on Earth, should be made to divulge all their financial information. NO EXCEPTIONS. Do you want the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to have all the tax breaks that come with being a charity? Fine, just list your financial information on a special government website where we can all see it 24/7. What did the GB spend on plane tickets last year, or suits, or toothbrushes? How much did the WTBTS take in through donations and where did it go? All religion should be held accountable, or taxed to death if they won't comply, but that is another subject for another thread.


  • Stuck in the middle37
    Stuck in the middle37
    Yuba City Assemble Hall;
    I believe in the beginning someone donated some land to the society. It wasn't usable for what ever reason so was sold, for the land that the hall is on now. I spend a lot of time helping with that hall. Sometimes I would be the only one there doing the, type of work, I did. I would take my two little boy to help me. The hall was a bit unusual it had a sloping floor to see the stage better. Ray Franz came to give the talk at the assemble hall dedication. A very boring talk.
  • Vidiot

    DesirousOfChange - "I don't think they were when the idea started, but Assm Halls are nothing more than money making schemes now."


    ...they would be, if there were any of 'em left... :smirk:

  • RichardHaley
    I worked on the ycah hall when it was built. I was a teenager and things were less strict back then. It was fun. Was from the Redding area and did attend some assemblies at the convention center. Then our circuit was assigned to go to ycah even though the convention center was still being used for circuits north of Redding. As far as I know, all of N Ca goes there now. It has been remodeled dozens of times and has had some major issues but has been paid off for decades. 12k a day or more now.... transparency would be nice, but will never happen.

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