Watchtower Fears Internal Document Leaks

by fleet#44 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Min,

    Does it rhyme with "Pancee Narks"?

  • Simon

    fleet / nancy / jah christian whatever

    I am not going to tollerate people making unsubstantiated allegations on my site. If you want to accuse someone of something then go contact a lawyer and do it where it matters - in court.

    Accusations are one thing and ultimately, mean nothing if they are not backed up.

    Repeating them does not make them any more believable.

  • fleet#44

    To correct Uzzah, the congregation elders were convicted, not Watchtower. Point is Watchtower Governing Body is using attorneys and media more and more, while trying to distance themselves from what the elders are doing when in fact they appoint, discipline and once in a blue moon remove one. They want elders to take all the heat and prison time.

    It's good to know CNN did mention the California news about the Watchtower being sued regarding pedophilia, so thanks for pointing that out. Simon, do you mean that saying Pat Garza alleged Jaracz molested her and that he has not denied it is an accusation? It is an observation, not an accusation, not first posted by myself or anyone connected in any way. The overall intent is to show the big picture which is of a Watchtower leadership swinging a sledgehammer at gnats. That approach won't work. They must reform or Caesar's sword, the courts and police, will do it. There are kind, decent elders who have documents in their hands for turning over to the police, and this is to encourage their doing just that.

    Finally, why do some of you say I am not Fleet44 but Jeh Christianity or other names?

  • Uzzah


    Then why may I ask did the judge write in her own handwriting on the judgment, :Watchtower Negligent - $5,000.

    The Shelbourne elders named in the suit as well as John Didur were not found negligent. The Watchtower Scoiety itself was found guilty due to the advice given to her by an agent of the Watchtower, Sheldon Longworth.

    Re the following pic... let the reader use discernment


  • expatbrit

    Uzzah is correct.

    Paragraph 198 of the Judgement:

    [198] In the result, there will be judgment in favour of the plaintiff in the amount of $5,000.00 as against the defendant Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, plus interest thereon at the Courts of Justice Act rate from August 28, 1998. The action is dismissed as against the other defendants. If the parties cannot agree on costs, I can be spoken to.
  • Scully

    LOL Uzzah!!

    Oh, and while I'm here, fleet#44, why did you bring my name up in this thread, when I haven't even made any comments here up till this point?

    Are you trying to imply that Uzzah and I are one and the same?

    Love, Scully

  • fleet#44

    Your posting a picture of an enema bottle indicates your age range as not all that far along in time. Your emotionalism is also clear. Why use a sledgehammer on an anti-Watchtower comment that Watchtower is becoming more heavy-handed when it's true. Some have said there are those who wrongly think they can sit back and reform Watchtower from within via a little poke here and there. You're wrong. Only the media, police, and courts can do that.

  • Scully


    Your posting a picture of an enema bottle indicates your age range as not all that far along in time. Your emotionalism is also clear. Why use a sledgehammer on an anti-Watchtower comment that Watchtower is becoming more heavy-handed when it's true. Some have said there are those who wrongly think they can sit back and reform Watchtower from within via a little poke here and there. You're wrong. Only the media, police, and courts can do that.

    I believe Uzzah's comment, along with the picture of a "Fleet" enema, to let the reader use discernment was meant to drive home a point regarding the outcome of the use of the product in the photo.

    Likewise, any 'work' done toward reforming the Watchtower - regardless of whether it is from the inside, or outside with the help of the media, police and courts - has to be substantiated with material that is totally and completely factual. Your posting lies, half-truths and other misinformation only undermines the work you claim to support.
    So, who is the pro-Watchtower troll now?
    Love, Scully
  • Uzzah
    Finally, why do some of you say I am not Fleet44 but Jeh Christianity or other names?

    Are you using Theocratic War Strategy now too? Interesting that you threw Scully's name out there in this thread when she hadn't even posted here yet. Might that be because Scully has very strongly condemned the methodolgy of the Jah Christian group in prior threads. Is this another attempt to deceive?

    Re: the pic. Sure it was a cheap shot but ya gotta admit mildly amusing for someone of my "age range as not all that far along in time." LOL

    I am still waiting for you to answer the questions raised in my first response to you. But this time please make sure your points are factual.

    Opposite of a truth is a lie. I know you know who the father of the lie is, right? Food for thought before writing your next newsletter.


  • fleet#44

    This is definitely from Fleet44. I answered all your questions, and my point about your vehemence is also correct.

    I will gladly surf to look for Jah Christians. Where is the website or email?

    At no time did I call you the sort of names you called me. You should be ashamed. Any reader can see the picture and names up above here. You tried to turn this thread away from criticism of Watchtower into something personal.

    Any efforts to reform the unreformable are wasteful. If you want to try to verbally bully then use it on yourself.

    Clearly you are simply two or three persons, maybe a son and his father or guitar-twanging buddy, sitting around playing games in or just south of Toronto. There's better things to do than waste time whilst others attack fruitlessly.


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