super heros

by Gratefullyunstuck 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gratefullyunstuck
    after reading the content of the 1 day assembly on another post, PLEASE tell me WT are trying to suggest members cant follow super hero movies/characters etc. the whole of my ex family wouldnt have a life if this happened! surely a wake up call for them....... but doubt it
  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    it's really nothing new. The WTS has already connected 'superheroes' to the nephilim.

    According to them, Greek myths like Hercules came from stories of the nephilim. Superheroes are basically modern day myths, so there ya go.

    Superman = Demon Child.

  • FayeDunaway

    How about the utter disrespect we show to Jehovah every time we watch anything about aliens? Um, I can't remember the exact reason but something about disrespect for his creation.

    And watching superhero movies is bad because they are basically gods with godlike powers and if you watch them you are glorifying, worshipping!, other gods.

    They're just like the Taliban, really. Pick something extreme and run with it, enforce it on others.

  • Darkknight757
    Couldn't Caleb and Sophia be regarded as superheroes? I mean the kids literally worship them. They have drawings and games and toys. They never get any older? Such a double standard.
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I recall a Society article years ago that decried superhero garb (specifically, that of Superman) as sexually provocative. Christians must avert eyes and thoughts away from any unclean thing. I've never seen any one of those dudes or dames fixed up in loose-fitting duds (well, in disguise; e.g., Clark Kent).

    Did Anthony Morris III write that article?


  • rebel8

    Their powers come from demons.



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  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    He has the super power of altering his face into a rubberized mask!

  • Dunedain

    Like Barrold Bonds said already, this is really nothing new. I remember a 28 year old elder, I was like 19 at the time, saying the same shit on how Superman was like a modern Hercules, and superheroes are "demonic". Its really ridiculous.

    You see, this kind of "logic" is pervasive in a cult. Once its thought about, or touched upon, or mentioned at Bethel, it spreads to most congregations, like its gospel from the scriptures. Then a visiting brother will mention it in a Sunday talk, and it just further drives the crazy mindset home.

    This is cultism at its worst. JW's are ignorant, of most things, and "demonize" anything they don't understand, or deem "worldly", right away, without ever truly learning about it. It is fear control, and mind control, at the same time. By them "demonizing" superheroes, by comparing them to Nephilim, the cult uses FEAR. Then they tell you what movies you cannot see, and what comics/books you cannot read, and what toys your kids cannot play with, and that's the mind control.

    It is a fear based cult, controlled by ignorance.

  • Wild_Thing

    They're saying you shouldn't watch or read anything that portray's characters with superhuman qualities?? Well ... maybe they are right! These over the top superhero characters that do things like heal people just by touching them, or walk on water, or perform magic tricks, or predict the future, or appear as ghosts after they die ... those kind of books and shows are ridiculous! You read that stuff enough, you're liable to forget they're just stories and start to believe it!

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