Newest Anti-Apostate Tactics

by Anna Marina 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Don't quote any Scriptures during the Watchtower Study that are not in the paragraph.

    Don't quote the Governing Body or anything from the Broadcast ever. It might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the Governing Body. Especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with Scriptures, most especially the words of Jesus Christ.

    Anyone know of other new tactics?

  • Biahi

    Who said this? I do believe you, I wouldn’t put anything past these corrupt charlatans.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    1) Latest instructions re Watchtower study

    2) Relative to PIMO.

  • truth_b_known

    Would you mind posting a quote from that Watchtower in this thread?

    This sounds like "Say nothing - Listen and obey!"

  • RubaDub

    Don't quote any Scriptures during the Watchtower Study that are not in the paragraph.

    @Anna Marina ...

    I'm not sure if this is really "new" or not, even if totally true.

    They have things extremely regulated these days. Years ago, the Watchtower conductor had a great deal of flexibility in how to control the meeting. Now, they are told exactly what scriptures to read. In general, they can't "wing it" anymore. The powers that be want everything driven from the top down. I think it is more of a control thing than an apostate thing. When they say "Jump", they want you to answer "How high?", not ask "Why?"

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    truth_b_know - oh don't ask me to read the stuff, I rely on others doing that! :) I believe Tadua on Beroeans has done an exhaustive study of this Watchtower.

    DubaRub - when they gave this announcement, spiritually, some of them did your hairdo. It's been a good gaming technique up until now to whack in legitimate scriptures and get the elders to quietly pass over what you just said as they hunt around for someone else who will give the right answer.

    You know people love to quote that scripture on how to identify false prophets and things like that.

    Ye,s maybe they have just brought back an old technique they haven't had to use for a few years. Blow the dust of and get it going again

  • IWant2Leave

    I can vouch for the part of only using scriptures that are in the WatchTower lesson. I conducted the WT for 10+ years. It's drummed into your head by the Circuit Overseer, no extra research, even if it is JW literature, and no extra scriptures. We were told that the slave knew all of the extra research that we want to bring out, and the FS decided to leave it out and so should we! "We don't know more than the slave, do we? So leave it on the cutting room floor," was the C.O.'s words.

    Now comments are to be 30 seconds or less. On the WT dealing with child abuse, no personal experiences were to be given.

  • IWant2Leave

    And no news report or court cases were to be mentioned. This was the announcement before the WT lesson started. I don't know if the conductor was instructed to make that announcement from higher ups or he did it on his own?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    '' I don't know if the conductor was instructed to make that announcement from higher ups or he did it on his own?''

    I'm thinking, he was given some kind of ''agenda'', to say this. In light of what has been going down of late.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    I can tell you that in my area at least one congregation of elders are frozen. They don't know what to do as their own families are on the line.

    It looks like they are maintaining, what for them is a fearful balance and there have been reports of bottom sets of teeth being on view.

    Battening down on what scriptures can be used in the Watchtower might be one of the only tools left in their tool box. But I expect there are still a couple of bolts. Maybe they could be fitted to the neck of Watchtower Study Conductor.

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