Do JW women expect LESS from their man than Non-jw women?

by pistolpete 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bsmart

    I left pretty much after I graduated in the 60's. (never baptized) I knew I would never marry a witness, lived with my grandma while I went to community college. When I got a job at the hospital I moved to an apartment where I wouldnt have to take a bus for 3 -11 shift. Closer to work... safer too.

    Tho I did date a guy from the hall once, just confirmed my thoughts that I would do better not married if he was anything to go by.

    Met my husband a few years later. We will be celebrating 48 years in November.

  • BluesBrother

    Cannot speak for women but being a JW husband makes you expect more of your wife than normal people do.

    A JW wife is expected to be submissive, have a " quiet and mild spirit " and yet be zealous in preaching and develop all the housewifely skills .... The ideal of Proverbs 31 is held to be a minimum requirement. Phew!

    I found that once I stopped following the JW thinking , our marriage improved because I was not expecting so much of my wife. I began to appreciate her as she was not what I thought she should be..

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