Was It Designed? (My head hurts)

by Cadellin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    To me the question is, why this bird (whether it evolved or created) needs to dive so deeply to get fish since there are plenty of other kinds of birds who live nearby who also feed on fish, without having to go to such extremes to catch them.

    Whether or not the bird in question evolved or was created, there is still no proof that God's name is Jehovah or that Jehovah's Witnesses are his chosen people as they claim to be.

  • waton

    The ultimate act of creative genius, would be a making of a system where everything designs itself and drives itself to maximum efficiency in it's niche, without further tinkering.

    Wt and others severely underestimate a possible creator.

    Even the natural laws might be the once that are left over from all the others that did not work well in their universes.

    give credit where credit is due, dont get stuck in arguing about the method. the messy details.

  • Simonsez

    There is no creator that is the point. It is all ancient myths trying to explain natural phenomena.

  • Diogenesister
    And don't give me that crap about the animal kingdom "changing" since the fall of Adam and Eve.

    That’s the thing, Jehovah’s witnesses DO believe in evolution....except they call it “micro evolution” (if they’ve the brains to realise there’s a name for it)😩😩😩

    Good Grief.

  • Diogenesister
    Waton Wt and others severely underestimate the creator.
    Even the natural laws might be the once that are left over from all the others that did not work well in their universes.

    I mean you’re right there. Evolution doesn’t at all make the claim there is no creator.

  • waton
    There is no creator that is the point.

    Ss: while we know that energy is uncreated, eternal, the "father"principal and our struggle to create things argue for some kind of agency at work. , beyond our wildest dreams. comprehension.

    The latest wt backtrack was when they almost endorsed the male lyons habit of killing the cubs fathered by his departed predecessor, to sire his own --

    as somehow ok, almost like David their pet persona in action.

  • Jeffro

    For every individual species that JWs claim has some remarkably 'designed' feature or behaviour, they increase the required population of the 'ark'. This is particularly evident when they argue that some very specific species has a unique feature necessitating that each species is not merely part of a poorly defined 'kind'. (For example, see Awake! No. 1, 2017, p. 16.)

  • dozy

    The problem with these kind of articles is that following this logic , it also follows that God has designed all creation - including the really nasty ones. So did God design the covid 19 virus with its specially designed spike to allow it to attach onto human cells? Or the guinea worm that grows inside a human up to a metre and then agonisingly breaks out when a metre long to propagate itself?

  • TD

    Another gaffe they've made in the past is referring to scavengers as, "Jehovah's natural sanitation squad"

    And while this isn't really predation, it certainly isn't vegetarianism either..

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Dozy you have just reminded me to comment that the "novel" corona virus is a dramatic example of evolution in progress.

    Viruses mutate and if successful take hold within a segment of the biosphere. They continue mutating and finding new niches or parasitise a number of vulnerable species, perhaps causing one or two to go extinct as they spread.

    As a hypothetical example; another virus could arise and kill off all humans except those with Neanderthal genes or conversely those without. This would redefine Homo sapiens.

    Wake up JWs! Covid 19 is a demonstration of evolution in action.

    Never listen to the old fogies at JW HQ, they have never got anything right in all their 141 years of money making from declaring false prophecies.

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