JW Hypocrisy Rears It's Ugly Head...As Usual

by babygirl30 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    "You were my best friend for years. And I miss you everyday. But if this is some attempt to incriminate me or just saying hi, then please remember what is going on with this world, and that you still know 'the truth' and what you should do to come back"

    Your response was great but what if you said:

    "I will come back to meeting, (preferably a Watchtower study) if you promise that while I'm there you will raise your hand and tell the audience about your experience at a recent Rap concert where you and the other JW's saw me, a former JW and suddenly had a guilty conscience and ran away. Tell them about how I called you out on it and you tried to flip the situation around and make yourself sound like a spiritually strong JW by ignoring the fact that you a JW were in a Club dancing to Rap music when you know better. Tell them how instead of explaining your own "untheocratic" actions, you had the gall to lecture me about the closeness of the end and the wickedness of this world.

    Until you are willing to do that or something similar, save your preaching about world conditions and the importance of my returning to "the truth" until you actually believe it yourself and are acting in accordance to your beliefs.

    (Don't be surprised if she is pretending that she wasn't at the club, you are mistaking her for someone else and are using this as an excuse to contact her.)

  • freddo

    And then add ...

    "Would you like me to post the pictures I took of you on my phone while you were at the club dancing to RAP music? Or shall I send them directly to one of your elders?"

  • mana11
  • BeautifulMind
    I feel you babygirl30, same here on my end. My so called childhood bestie of over 30 years dropped me so fast when I told her my decision to leave the org. Similarly, I have been the only one there for her through a lot when no one else was, including saving her from 2 abusive and controlling relationships. But that is all forgotten just because I don't share her beliefs anymore. And I'm not even df'd, just walked away. I'm at peace with it now though. I don't want anyone in my life who doesn't want to be.
  • babygirl30
    Pete Zahut, your reply was beautiful!!! Had me rolling here...cause it was to the point but full of sarcasm - just my style! I know this chick is fake, and the fact that she even responded with that JW rhetoric means she knows she is guilty. No further convo or explanation would be required at this point...and like I said, I know for a fact she isnt dumb enough to TELL anyone JW she saw me...cause they def would ask where - hahahah. She would have to out herself, which she is way too chicken to do. It made me remember again why I have no desire to go back. This petty fakeness is a reminder of how oblivious JWs are to their own reflections. At least in the world I know exactly what Im dealing with...but the facade JWs wear is so thick even they can see through it.
  • babygirl30

    Freddo - I wish I had taken pics. But I just didnt bother cause the way they literally RAN outta there had me dying...their guilt made me smile!

    Beautiful Mind - you hit the nail right on the head. They always FORGET what was done for them...when you dont follow the gang mentality. It is the quintessential definition of fake! You are to them when its what they need, but suddenly become not good FOR them when you dont think how they think.

  • freddo


    Ah ... but she doesn't know you didn't take pics does she?

  • Vidiot

    babygirl30 - "...she purposely ignored what I said, and tried to flip it into a 'you need to come back' speech..."

    Seeing you at the show obviously flipped her "cult self"/"authentic self" manual override switch.

    It was probably very jarring for her. :smirk:

    I suspect she's one of those types that are often "scared back to the WT".

  • babygirl30
    Matter a fact, she is wishy washy with the ''truth" over money...her family has money, takes lavish vacations every year, the kids got new cars when they graduated, etc. So whenever she is OUT in the streets, her parents cut her off. And Im sure she gets tired of struggling on her own, so she runs back. This cycle has now happened 3x. To me, that is pathetic
  • scotoma

    All humans are hypocrites.

    The "truth about the truth" is just the beginning.

    The "truth about our selves" is the real hurdle.

    Your x-friends were probably having more fun than you.

    There is something about guilt- soaked pleasures that make them more intense.

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