Summer Regional Convention

by miss.ives01 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • miss.ives01

    Has anyone attended the Sunday program of the summer Regional convention, Remain Loyal to Jehovah?

    I have been very concerned about the tone of discussion surrounding sundays program. I went to Friday and Sat., not Sunday. I have heard much talk about preparing for the great tribulation. This talk was further fueled by "no mention" of next years convention. The talk I am hearing centers around the modern day drama about what occured during Nazi invasion and the friends were hiding. Sometime they would have to have a secret knock to identify a legit witness and then be let in for meeting. I understand this, but some are saying that the time will come, only those in good standing will be let in. They will shut out anyone weak or not deserving.

    This keeps playing in my head, the faithful slave has said numerous times to prepare for a time when they will ask or direct us to do something that will seem odd and unusual. We must listen. Does this frighten anyone else???

    I do go to the meeting occasionally but no one seems to care. I have even been told I am bad association from my pioneer daughter though I am not disiplined. I just am not regular.

    The take on the program that the end is here, times out!

    Please give me your input..

  • ToesUp

    Yes, I have seen the Sunday program. WT uses fear to manipulate its members. Go to JWfacts and research the ways WT has used in the past to instill fear in its members.

    My spouse and I are born in and have very zealous JW families. We exited this religion 3 plus years ago. What a relief not living like this anymore. I can not describe to you the improvement in our lives since leaving.

    Your pioneer daughter told you that you were bad association? Wow...that should tell you volumes about the group you are dealing with. This organization is abusive, judgemental and full of arrogance. The best advise we can give you is....RUN LIKE HELL! I mean that...Run. Google the word cult. I did 3 years ago and my jaw hit the floor. JW fit every bullet point.

  • miss.ives01

    Thank you ToesUp. I Do recognize cult like activities. I did years ago and spent over 10 yrs out. I have been back 5 and inactive for 2. I know something is wrong but there is something in me that has a spiritual desire. I feel like they took something from me and I could never be a part of any other religion. They have some truths but want to control ever area of your life.

    I did feel freedom when I quit. I LOVED every moment of it. Now here I am wondering what has happened to me. I feel sooooo lonely. I think the Jws know something I dont know, I am not one of them. I just cant seem to conform and have a rigid view of everything and everyone.

  • Listener

    Putting fear into their followers is something the organisation has mastered. They need to continually find new ways of making the end appear imminent and this is their latest tactic.

    The view that they will not 'let in' those who are spiritually week/not deserving is new to me. There was a discussion in the basement bunker about a Bro. called Kevin who was weak but it sounded like he would have been permitted in had he knocked. Also, this means that Elders would become judges whereas they have always taught that this judgement would come from heaven.

    As to plans for the future, they've recently announced the building of the Bethel in England which they expect to be completed by 2020 or thereabouts.

  • berrygerry
    They have some truths but want to control ever area of your life.
    I did feel freedom when I quit. I LOVED every moment of it. Now here I am wondering what has happened to me. I feel sooooo lonely. I think the Jws know something I dont know, I am not one of them. I just cant seem to conform and have a rigid view of everything and everyone.

    Why we're messed up:

    Read Bonnie's book. ( more than once.)

  • berrygerry
    As to plans for the future, they've recently announced the building of the Bethel in England which they expect to be completed by 2020 or thereabouts.


  • miss.ives01

    Listener, I did not go to Sundays program. I am repeating what I have heard, no doubts, their own spin on it.

    I do not mean any disrespect to the witnesses or any one for that fact.

    I am grappling with the "what ifs" they are somehow right about all of this. I have to say though they would not allow me to live in their new world if I made it. Whats wrong with them?? Why are they so sure??

    I live in the world of information and study. I am a college grad but I cant say I definitively am sure of all things. To me this is INCREDULOUS!!

  • miss.ives01

    Thank you berrygerry I will check it out.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I think the GB is panicking a bit and seeing that the money is not coming in like it used to. That is why the clamp down on the rank and file members not associating with weak and inactive dub relatives.

    Since I have left I have never being happier. Even now my sister says she can't have anything to do with me as Jehovah comes first in her life. If she thinks this will get me to run back she is so wrong as I do not need her and her dysfunctional cult in my life.

  • scratchme1010

    Question, miss.ives01: How do you feel about it? Do you have concerns?

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