Good News About the Covid-10 and the Watchtower Bible and Truck Society! n

by 1234 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1234

    I don't hate the people in the religion....only the religion that created them.

  • Wakanda

    WT Wizard: At least when they had the Kool Aid party, it was only the cult members and not the whole community that was affected.

    This is key.

    These murderous jerks all give talks about respecting life.

  • FedUpJW

    How much will they be donating to their doomsday religion now?

    Well when they believe that all the money is going to be thrown into the streets anyway, I think they will double down on giving money thinking somehow that they can buy their way into "paradise". They are "reminding" everyone that, "even though we are not meeting at the Kingdom Hall we still have bills to pay, as does the world-wide work. So use the online donation provision." I hope I am wrong about donations and they get NOTHING!

  • LongHairGal

    1234 (NEW BOY):

    That’s okay..You are entitled to your opinion.. I was never ‘like them’ because I was a JW who worked full time and got criticized for it.

    SO, I’m afraid it will have to be YOU and other ex-JWs with your opinion who help out these irresponsible JWs!.. I would run in the opposite direction from them.

  • TheListener

    My wife and her dub family and friends find the zoom app exciting and new. But I think if the crisis goes on too long it will become harder and harder to control everyone. Hearing the meeting info on zoom and seeing the elders faces on an app doesn't have the same long term pressure and control that facing them all in person at the kh does. IMO

  • BluesBrother
    Like you, I have no sympathy for Witnesses who live on the edge and have not prepared financially for their future"

    I was one of those too. However, more by luck than judgement I have now a company pension that boosts my State one. I know many good people though who struggle because they trusted the predictions of the WTS and did not prepare . Their only crime was to make a mistake , trust the wrong advisor....

    Zoom could be their saviour at this time.. Steven Lett applied a scripture about "sucking the milk of nations" to the use of modern technology by the WTS. Yesterday I saw some of the first local WT Study . The attitude seemed to be one of hunkering down and a "wartime spirit". The study took time and some had problems using the system but they all seemed to be enjoying the experience.

    Sorry, but I suspect they will emerge from this stronger, having survived the "pestilence"

  • LongHairGal


    I agree with you that seeing the JWs and the elders televised on that app is not the same as being around them in person.

    It will not have the same measure of control that being in person would accomplish. “Control” is the important issue to the religion.

    If they get rid of the halls and just do this some Witnesses will eventually leave..In fact, there are some who are turned off at being asked to be dressed up sitting in their own house!..This measure of intrusiveness and control (and acting like people’s homes are extensions of the kingdom hall)..may have the effect of being the last straw for certain JWs.

  • JoenB75

    If they are used to dress up, why not dress up for the occation and do a Sunday walk afterwards ☺️

  • LV101

    WT can't be too worried about their adherents if they're still ordering dress codes while they sit inside their own abodes and look spiritual and dedicated. Many of the old timers I knew yrs. ago are still marching along and cult knows most are so brainwashed they'd sit in front of their zoom screens naked if so asked w/only their - (forget Bible) - credit card in hand. If only the cult would go broke but last I checked billionaires weren't too concerned on a day to day basis. Religious people love to give their last dime so they'll buy the Lord's blessings -- or in this case Jehovah's blessings/protection - etc., etc., and more importantly, to fit in. Just more crazy.

  • smiddy3

    I didn`t think the religion could get anymore crazier than it already was ,but surely any sane thinking person would draw the line at dressing up in your Sunday best then to sit in your own living room watching a televised version of a JW meeting .presumably to keep from talking while the meeting is on as it would show disrespect for Jehovah`s arrangement .?

    Or should I say the GB arrangement who presumably now speak for God. ?

    Could you imagine Joyce Meyer Ministries asking something like this of their TV viewers?

    Or even Jimmy Swaggart `s Ministries asking believers at home to dress up in their Sunday best before sitting down to watch their TV programmes ?

    How do you think they would be viewed if they had done this ?

    Jehovah`s Witnesses are identifying themselves as a CULT like never before .

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