To: IW - Stop Dodging the Bullet

by Amazing 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    Brummie - Islandwoman did say this:

    If your daughter had been raped by an elder but the two witness rule prevented them from acting to disfellowship him, wouldn't it be nice to have on your side an affidavit by a former Governing Body member testifing to the fact that the Governing Body had covered over sex acts committed by their own against children. And that this is in part why they do not act against child rapists because they themselves are culpable?

    This is an almost direct accusation (imho). If she's going to "alledge" these type of things, that an actual GB member is guilty of the same despicable deed. By publically acknowledging her change of heart, and stating for a fact that Bill Bowen was right in his ongoing crusade against Ray Franz, then it would be nice for us who #1 - Admire Ray Franz' work and #2 - Are members of silentlambs (which I am).

    No one wants to see the WTBS answer for their despicable handling of sexual child abuse more than I, for my own reasons. But, I also do not think it fair to continuously have allegations coming up, without hard evidence against another who also has been great in showing the WTBS for what they are, albeit in a different way.

  • Amazing

    Little Witch and Brummie: None of this has to do with belittling IW for apologizing to Bill Bowen or thinking that IW cannot take care of herself. If you read what I wrote, it is about new and expanded allegations by IW regarding Ray Franz ... allegations that to date are nothing more than speculation ... and to which Ray Franz denies any knowledge.

    If IW wants to apologize to Bill Bowen, she can do that on his web site or call him or write to him ... but she chose to apologize on a public forum by adding more allegations against Ray ... that is not a mere apology, that is creating and loading an agenda on the back of the apology.

    My own agenda is to get to the facts. I called Ray today as I said I would and posted the results. - Jim W.

  • George W Bush
    George W Bush

    In my travels around the internet I have visited lots of support groups and most of the time instead of supporting each other they point fingers and do the he said she said thing. It is good to see a website that truely is loving and kind towards each other. No factions or unkind comments exchanged.

    If only congress worked this well.

  • logansrun

    Who said this website is solely a "support group?"


  • Brummie
    It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see there are some holes in IW's story (and Bill's).


    its ashame we havent got any brain surgeons here to tell us how some "holes" in our brains affect our ability to see how a molehill becomes a mountain. Also its a shame that said brain surgeon is not here to demonstrate the holes in Rays/Bills/IWs story.

    ahem* Brummie. The plot you lost :

    bwahaah, I'm in good company then huh.

    Six & Petty thanks, I take back part of my statement, IW did imply that new information she had received had caused her to change her mind.

    wouldn't it be nice to have on your side an affidavit by a former Governing Body member testifing to the fact that the Governing Body had covered over sex acts committed by their own against children

    I think this would be nice too.


  • SixofNine

    No prob Brummie, I always wanted to be a script supervisor... except that I'd suck at it.

  • little witch
    little witch

    A direct accusation...perhaps...

    One I happen to agree with....

    I think Franz should address the issue, or stop addressing any issue....This man made the rules, answer or your silence will speak for you..

    I personally refuse to remain silent....You cannot smack me hard enough to make me shut up, where the saftey of children is concerned...

    Put up, or Shut up...

    But I do agree, that it is two seperate issues......

    We all take up the most important issues, we cant all take on the world...but for petes sake, if you cant stand up for kids, what can you stand up for?

    If you cant or dont wanna, help kids, then at least STFU, if you cant relate......Never dealt with it??? I dont think so......

  • logansrun
    wouldn't it be nice to have on your side an affidavit by a former Governing Body member testifing to the fact that the Governing Body had covered over sex acts committed by their own against children

    I think this would be nice too.


    Yeah, it would be nice. But Ray has stated on numerous occasions that he has no knowledge of the above. After all he has done to show the JWs for what they are, why on earth would he withhold information? I believe him.


  • logansrun


    I think Franz should address the issue, or stop addressing any issue

    Um, am I missing something or has he not already done so?


  • SixofNine
    I think Franz should address the issue,

    Since he's done that, why, pray tell, don't you stfu?

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