Woke up this morning with a question on my mind.

by El Kabong 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I don't know why I woke up this morning with this question on my mind. Why would God make the Angels first, which are superior to humans, then go and make something inferior, like Humans second. I would figure that the Angels would be like 1.0 then the humans would be revision 2.0 or something like that. I wonder why he didn't make humans superior to angels. Something like the next and greatest version.

    I know it sounds like a dumb question, like I said above, for some reason, I woke up with this question on my mind and I can't shake it.

    Any thoughts?

  • DannyBear


    Although the cocept of God the creator, is not hard for me to accept, the need for a being who has always exsisted, complete within himself.......really need to create anything?

    Accepting the notion that he did create man, it is not hard for me to imagine a playful (assumed by the variety and weird/funny stuff he created) creator inventing all sorts of new forms of life........all over his domain.


  • unique1

    My optimistic view: I just figured it was because he needed help in heaven first.

    My pessimistic view: Who knows, maybe we were just little dolls for the angels to play with.

  • cat1759

    I think of this also.

    Sometimes I think that maybe he wanted to experience more than the angels could give him. Maybe he needed a playground to experience things.

    Maybe being the God of all he was a little bored.

    Maybe he needed a sandbox and some toys but was neglected in childhood.

    Maybe he just wanted to play!

    If we were made in God's imagine, why was it wrong for the Angels to sleep with women? After all in the begining we were created perfect.

    Why can't we all just play together and have fun?

    Why do we always have to be thinking of dieing?

    He has changed his plans a couple times.

    Why can't the angels come down here and bring us up to heaven to meet God?

    Why is he so closed off to mankind who he made in his imagine?

    Yep we can pray and we are told he hears us. Has anyone ever gotten a note from God?

    Hey I am God, I know what you are going through and I will be down shortly to give you a helping hand.

    Ok, so going for another cup of coffee.


  • DannyBear


    ****Hey I am God, I know what you are going through and I will be down shortly to give you a helping hand.****

    Can I hold you to that? When would it be convenient for you to come over?


  • IslandWoman

    Hi El Kabong,

    Great question!

    Personally, I do not believe in angels, demons etc. I believe God makes physical things and has no need for other spirits to keep him company or to minister to him.

    Who knows how many other earths God may have created out there in the universe and it's fun to imagine that one day we will all meet, when we are ready.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.


  • cat1759


    If you have a problem you have to take it up with Satan because you see I only want to play God says.

    Satan is the accuser, the one that does all the work in my book. Good, bad indifferent.

    So God creates. I have created four times. I have four children to show for it. I consider that playing.

    Then the work begins and Satan takes over with free will and all.


    NOT GOD HERE, just a created version of my dad and mom!

  • DannyBear


    ****So God creates. I have created four times. I have four children to show for it. I consider that playing.****

    Having witnessed both of my daughters births, you must be one god to consider it PLAY!

    Damn woman, the way my ex-wife went about the final phase of creation........well lets just say, I hope the angels covered their ears! Painful to all bystanders.


  • cat1759

    Come on Danny, creating was the fun part.

    Delivering a ten pound 4ounce baby was another story!


  • logansrun

    An even better question is, why would God create anything? I mean, He's supposed to be "self-contained, lacking nothing" (the exact words used under the heading JEHOVAH in the Insight book). Why make something if you don't need anything?

    And then the matter comes up as to what Jehoober was doing before the creation. Sophisticated Christians like Augustine came up with the "God is outside of time" theory, but the JWs are way below that level of examination. I mean, what do they think:

    J. God: "I think I'm going to start creating



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