Are Posters Here Getting A Bit Thin Skinned?

by rem 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem


    Interesting points:

    I want to add that this is a matter of personality. (If any of you know the Myers-Briggs typology, I think it's often a matter of T vs. F types.) To some people, a person and their ideas are separable. They will happily attack a person's ideas, and don't understand why the person was hurt or offended; they were merely attacking the ideas, not the person. Conversely, they are happy to have their own ideas attacked, and don't mind defending them.

    I'm an INTJ. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    Of course, as an INTJ I'm even skeptical that Myers Briggs typologies are nothing more than bunk, but the INTJ typology does seem to fit me to a T. hehe


  • lawrence

    Maybe all former serious religionists should venture out today to the SPCA and adopt a puppy, then listen to John Coltrane's music. 'Love Supreme' each morning does wonders to one's bad attitudes and distaste.

  • SixofNine
    The scary thing is that these people really think they are open minded!

    'struth. The sad fact is that many people don't even seem to know how to recognize a nice person from a succubus. But, these people you speak of are likely hell to deal with in real life too, always letting their pride in their sacred opinions keep them from really living and learning, always letting their pride keep them feeling slightly morally better (hah) but always the underdog. Conflict of some sort is their constant lot in life. Education for them only comes if they paid for it, and even then the education had better conform to their own opinions or come from someone they want to be like.

    In real life, the "underdog" is the 4 yr. old kid in E. Timor who saw her parents get their heads macheted off by child soldiers. On discussion boards, the "underdogs" are the low self esteem, needy for approval, mean spirited, ego driven dumbasses, often, but not always, of low intelligence.

    Disclaimer~ No nice people were hurt in the making of this post.

  • KGB

    It's not the fact that some here do not like debate as I always believed that was what this discussion board was all about. Debating beliefs and the WTS. It's when the ones who debate all the time and do it with name calling is what bothers people. I don't like it when someone calls me an idiot and I don't think that some here who are in agreement with this thread would want to be called names either. Name calling is childish. And because we all come from different walks of life how can anyone say who is and who is'nt.

  • SpannerintheWorks


    F # # #K YOU!

    Is F# # # K YOU a new term of endearment? FLUCK YOU?... FLACK YOU?... FANCK YOU?


  • Euphemism
    I'm an INTJ. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?

    Ha! I knew it!

    Seriously, I certainly wouldn't claim that temperament explains everything. I do find, however, that it helps me in understanding differences like these.

    (I'm an INFJ, BTW.)

  • ashitaka
    F# # # K

    LOL. I didn't even catch that. Could be like a scream... F **& K YOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!!

    As for the topic, I'm not thin skinned. I love to have a good fight. You just have to learn to separate reality from the web. Choose the fights carefully.


  • SpannerintheWorks


    I've seen a quote attributed to H. L. Mencken. It says: "We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the same way that we respect his belief that his wife is beautiful and his children are intelligent." Even if you believe that someone else is an idiot, what do you gain by actually telling them that? Absolutely nothing.

    I must comment on this paragraph.

    If "the other fellow's religion" is dangerous, deceitful and a downright lie, then I (and s/he) has much to gain from pointing out the idiocy

    of belonging to such a group!

    I will put in a just to show that this post was not meant to be belligerent.


  • teenyuck

    You know me, never one to stir the pot. However, I think it odd that KGB would get so riled up about someone being called *ignorant*.


    Sure looks to me like your doing the same as everyone else, Oh thats right your a republican so I guess that makes you rightoues and perfect. Hold on a minute while I go give birth to a Bush supporter then I will wipe my teenyuck and flush it down the toilet. Your just as ignorant as I thought...

    Hmm...perhaps I misunderstood the context?

    And then there is this gem:


    Actually that was not very nice of me to say that and I appologize for that comment, You know I come to this board for many reasons, I learn, I express my beliefs and feelings, I vent and I grow here just like everyone else. But it is obvious your a man hater by your remarks here. Tell me are you Lesbian ? or What? Why do you hate men so badly? Has someone abused you in the past or is it just in your nature to hate men? I got to know so maybe I can understand you better...

    Oh, and who could forget:


    Are you inbreed with a skunk or do you just like to look like one? hahahahaha
    I never once complained about the abuse you heaped upon me. Think about that KGB the next time you hurl insults at people.
  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    remember there is an increasing number of members on this board, so with that you get more of everything.

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