Brain Dead

by Free2Bme 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    I agree with Flip. Remember, you were there once and you bought it, hook, line, and sinker. I wouldn't call it brain dead, and I wouldn't call being in a trance. I would call it being exposed only to one set of ideas and being insulated from different ideas in the outside world. It was a pretty insular world we lived in. That is why we all thought alike, including the best and the brightest. Before you express scorn for the rank and file, think about your own thinking when you were a true believer, and feel sorry for those who don't have the courage to look at other ideas.

  • Free2Bme

    Hi again
    Thanks for your views.
    By the way I did not intend to come across as scornful of the rank and file.
    My mum and other friends & family are JW's and I was one myself for 20 years.
    I wish I could say I found a clearing in the mist one day,saw everything that was wrong then boldly escaped waving my arms in the air!
    For me it was more the case of I drifted away through loneliness and ended up with a worldly guy and got DF'd.
    Maybe or should I say probably if I had married in the Truth I would still be drifting along as smug and sure of my superiority over those"poor sods in the world "as any JW I seemingly 'scorn' today.
    That is why I asked for advice at the end of my post. I genuinely wish there was a way to get beyond the zombie-like acceptance that yes I myself was part of when I was in the org.
    Sometimes I get angry and bitter about things that have gone on and want to hit out but I'm not going to plead for forgiveness for that.I'm a Yorkshire lass and I call a spade a spade.But if I step out of line as a newbie I have a feeling you will all bounce on my head lol so I'm wearing a safety helmet from now on.
    Anyway I think this forum idea is brill and can't wait to share loads of stuff with y'all and just generally chew the fat.


  • Farkel

    : I wouldn't call it brain dead, and I wouldn't call being in a trance.

    I call it both. I was there and that's the way it was for me.
    I was born and raised in that nonsense, and I was definitely braindead and in a WTS trance. I'm a fairly smart guy and I went braindead. One cannot survive in WatchtowerWorld(tm) without being braindead. I was mesmerized by their seductive talk, and even when it didn't quite right gel with me, I figured that THEY must know better than me! HAHAHAHAH! Most of the current GB never even finished HIGH SCHOOL!! They were Watchtower worker-bees who worked their way up the ranks over the decades. We have idiots with senority who lead this cult now. Nothing more.



  • chester

    Hi Farkel,

    I have been reading your posts for a long time. I really enjoy what you have to say.

    you said

    I call it both. I was there and that's the way it was for me.

    That is exactly the way I feel.

    Thanks for being here.

  • reagan_oconnor


    I am reading in search of christian freedom right now and I find it so amazing that so many people have been completely caught up in such a farce

    So'm I! I just got my copy 2 days ago... I'm getting angry all over again. Damn, it feels good to have the fire in me!

    They are all playing SIMON SAID.

    Actually, I think they're all playing CHARLES SAYS... or maybe, FRED SAYS... who is it now? Miltie the Stiltie?

    ...I'm bad today....

    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • outnfree

    Yes, yes, we DID just calmly accept whatever the organization taught without engaging our thought processes. For the longest time. Until it happened once too often. Then the leaks sprang and the walled up doubts broke through and FINALLY flooded our consciousness. And we ran for our very lives!

    May that happen to many of the people who have begun to nose around and have discovered this board.

    A hearty welcome, Free2B!


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