last convention before global attack on witnesses

by Phoebe 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Phoebe - the WT has been saying crap like this for 140 years.

    Have a nice cup of cocoa, or of whatever is your favourite tipple, and have a nice relaxing sleep.

    These WT clowns really aren't worth losing any sleep over.

  • sir82

    Some people are saying this is out last convention before a global attack on witnesses.'

    I remember, just after the election of a Republican president, which election had liberals up in arms...

    A JW told me "I think this is the president that will lead us straight into Armageddon".

    The year was 1981, and the President was Ronald Reagan.

    About 12 years later, a young JW couple turned up at the Kingdom Hall with a brand new Buick. It was kind of flashy and seemed perhaps out of their price range.The JW sister, perhaps trying to assuage her guilt at buying something nice, told everyone "Oh, this is our Armageddon car!" (i.e., the last car they'd ever buy before Armageddon came.

    I've haven't seen them for a number of years, but I suspect they are not driving a 25 year old Buick.

    Relax. The WTS and JWs have been saying that Armageddon is coming "soon" for well over 100 years. They will be at it for 100 years more, or until the religion crumbles into dust, whichever comes first.

  • notalone

    I agree that you should not read emails at night. Set up a time when you are at your best once a day and read emails. If you realize an email or conversation is not good for you just stop. Do not try and give a reason as to why you are stopping ,just leave and don't go back.Set a boundary. You are well aware as witnesses we were trained to keep pushing and not accept boundaries such as,' I'm not interested'. Would there be any question an elder would ask we felt we could choose not to answer? We have been made to believe that others can dictate to us what are acceptable boundaries. They have robbed from us our voice. You have a voice. It is still there.Use it.Play with it. Become comfortable in speaking your truth. As to your hope. Your hope has not changed just how you are seeing it. The real truth is just getting brighter for you. Take your time and you will find your voice , your life and your future.I send you my deepest love. May your journey be filled with wonder and beauty.

  • Hairtrigger
    Hairtrigger attack on witnesses..."

    These idiots don't need anyone to attack them.


    The Living Dead!!!

    Jealousy, Spying on each other and reporting to elders, critical of everything the other person does, doomsday intepretation for everything , lazy, unreliable workers,love to shun their own without bothering to find out whether the person deserves it, holier -than - thou attitude , obey blindly, never educated, the list goes on.

  • NewYork44M

    It is hard to admit that people, who you thought loved you, actually lied to you your whole life.

    The world is a scary place, Some things are not going well. However, none of this has anything to do with the interpretation of the Watchtower.

  • dbq407

    Yea just forget about it. I was told i would never graduate h.s. before armageddon came and not to have kids in this system because the end is so near. 20 years later here i am, all grown up and a lot smarter than to believe that crap anymore.

  • Bad_Wolf

    Same story all the time. What happened to a global attack on all religion first then the WT is the last one to go?

    They weren't attacked because of being good God fearing and honest people in Russia. They were committing human rights violations, told specifically which things had to be changed, didn't do it, so that's why banned.

    If you really research the bible and everything about Armageddon, it's completely different from what the WT taught.

  • Splash

    KM 2014 03 p.2 Para 4. "Will You Seize the Opportunity?

    "Will this Memorial be our last? "


    "Will this Memorial be our last? "

    I`ve been to lots of those too..

    It`s like the Cher "Farewell Tour" on Steroids..

  • Incognito

    As far as your panic attacks, as you have been a JW for 50 years, you've had over 50 years of indoctrination and conditioning. You are not going to undue or turn that around immediately or even quickly. For me, even after more than a decade out, the JW conditioning continues to kick-in every so often.

    Slow down and Breath and consider the reasons you left and what you have learned since leaving.

    Any opposition now being experienced by WT and JWs as a whole, is mainly due to actions they have brought on themselves, not because it's the end of the world. Consider as one example, WT's continued refusal to appropriatly address child abuse within the organisation and the resulting implications with the Australian Royal Commission.

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