Are the teachings of JW—consistent?

by Fisherman 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FedUpJW

    Yes. . .yes it is consistent. Consistently WRONG!

  • FedUpJW

    I’m wondering why Fisherman is even here. 🤷‍♀️

    Counting time perhaps?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ""If true, that means the “faithful slave” itself was wrong about its own identity for most of its existence. If the “faithful slave” didn’t even know who is the “faithful slave” then how can they trusted about anything? """

    Many were baptized under this 'faithful slave" doctrine. Only to be changed about a decade ago. The Borg holding thousands of 'victims" under captive to this arrangement.

    This demonstrates how the Borg should nullify all those baptisms before the 2012-13 understanding.

    Only to have the Borg figure, ''hmm to bad so sad'', just go along with it. Pure Evil!!

  • wozza

    @ Fisherman

    From the comments you have given above ,in my opinion your thinking on things shows the WTS has been very successful in taking away any decency you may have had one time ,and replaced it with the creature worship you have for them.

    So they may have been wrong, but, hey they are right now and that is all you need (and people should worship them like you do), mistakes have been made but they corrected them.

    I find it hard to understand your blind reasoning on the WTS teachings. Some years ago I knew an elder and a MS who staked out a house at night to catch a couple out ,whether they had sex would be up to the couple to reveal. But the joy and excitement the two servants showed in going about this WTS ordained ploy was disturbing.

    The way they conducted themselves in other peoples lives was disgusting and the WTS gave them the mental reliance to carry this out. You will probably discount this behaviour as trivial, but consider if it was christian to stake out the couple or see there might have been a core problem that the servants could have helped them with.

    If your mental thinking is on this path ,perhaps you are totally taken over in thinking the WTS is right all the time.

    Not unlike an OCD person who masterbates to porn habitually but can't see the harm behind the behaviour and the system that creates it!

    This is not a personal attack on you but a plead to look outside the box?

  • Jeffro


    Not so with JW. The JW teachings are supported by scripture, add up, are consistent, and” jive” like the 4 gospels, logical, reasonable, plausible and just make sense and appeal to the mind and heart.


    JW teachings are 'supported by scripture' in that they cherry pick the ones they like, spamming those over and over again usually without regard to context, and ignoring the inconvenient ones (for example, when was the last time the Watch Tower Society quoted Jeremiah 27:11 which shows that exile explicitly is not the same as 'serving Babylon'? 🙄)

    The Bible’s use of the term “holy spirit” (or ‘Holy Ghost’) is vague, but whatever it is supposed to be, 2 Corinthians 6:6-7 explicitly indicates that it is something distinct from “God’s power”.

    The order of events associated with the 'end times' according to JW beliefs is entirely different to that given in the Bible. Motifs such as 'separating the sheep and goats' and the meaning of the 'generation' are arbitrarily changed at whim (but have all been wrong since their inception).

    The Governing Body is supposedly made up of members who are defintiely anointed, though there is no way of substantiating their claim, and the Watch Tower Society explicitly states that claiming to be anointed may be the result of emotional or mental imbalance.

    JWs won't allow women to be elders because they aren't allowed to 'judge', but Deborah was a judge.

    That's just off the top of my head.

  • waton

    inconsistency that "fisherman" will ignore:

    wt Superior Authority doctrine: up to the 1920s : like the churches, wt agrees, The S.A.s are the"worldly" governments, then

    in the 1930s, 40, 50, The governments are removed from the scene, and Romans 13 applies exclusively to the superior and supreme authorities: The Father and the Son only . then,

    in the early 1960s wt, (through questions from readers column) reverted back to true, old "babylon the great" light:

    the Superior Authorities are the governments.

    Fishermen are consistently working in killing fish, even if they are held temporarily in aquariums.

  • Jeffro

    Also, JWs insist that they are 'no part of the world', and that people should 'pay Cesar's things to Caesar' but they accept and expect tax concessions from 'worldly' governments. When Norway determines that the denomination does not meet its requirements for government subsidies (due to their draconian shunning policies), JWs complain that it is 'an attack on their freedom of worship', though JW activities in Norway are not curtailed in any way. And threat to their tax-free status in Australia was the only thing that could get them to sign up to the redress scheme for child sexual abuse there.

  • Jeffro

    JW literature says that very specific traits of narrow species must have been 'designed'. For example, Awake!, No. 1, 2017, p. 16:

    Did the compound heat shield of the Saharan silver ant come about by evolution? Or was it designed?

    However, this would require that at least pairs (though for many species, entire colonies) would be required on the 'ark' of all of those specific species with unique traits. But because this would be physically impossible, they inconsistently say that only a few - poorly defined - 'kinds' would be needed. (And anyone who has kept an aquarium would realise the problems the 'flood' would pose for the majority of fish species.)

    Other 'was it designed' gaffes inherently require that the 'design' was required from the outset because of predation. 🤦‍♂️ For example, Awake!, 8 December 2008, p. 18:

    Though less than an inch in length [2 cm], the bombardier beetle is noted for its unique defense mechanism. When threatened, the insect sprays boiling, foul-smelling liquid and steam from its posterior, warding off spiders, birds, and even frogs.
  • Jeffro

    JWs aren't allowed to accept blood transfusions, including white blood cells, but breast milk contains a significant number of white blood cells.

  • Konagirl

    The JW teachings are supported by scripture, add up, are consistent, and” jive” like the 4 gospels, logical, reasonable, plausible and just make sense and appeal to the mind and heart.

    If you disagree, please show how so.

    Will a chart do?

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