Today's policy on being DF'ed

by PointBlank 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy
    2. How to Treat Expelled Ones: God's Word commands Christians not to keep company or fellowship with a person who has been expelled from the congregation: "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man....Remove the wicked man from among yourselves."

    Jesus words and the commandments given in the bible were taken completely and totally out of context by the gb when they decided to apply them to brothers and sisters in the congregation every time they decide to dfp or reprove someone because they began having doubts or they got a divorce or decided to smoke a cigarette.

    What Jesus was speaking about was the type of people one chooses to run with.

    If a person chooses to hang out with a bunch of drunken idiots all the time then chances of anything positive developing out of that are not good.

    By telling the congregation to view their family and friends as greedy revilers and drunken fornicator's or idolatrous extortionists, because they do not want to be a Jehovah’s Witness anymore is absolute BS and there is absolutely no basis for it what so ever. It is nothing less then a disgusting thing to do. Jesus was speaking about how one should regard common criminals!

  • blackout

    Its always been this way, they will Not speak to you if you have officially been DA or DF. even your own Mother or child.

  • Cicatrix

    Interestingly, the current hard line stance seems to be applied to unbaptised persons as well. When I vountarily left last year, giving no reason for doing so, my mother was told by an elder that she would "Never" be baptised if she associated with me.

  • outnfree
    JW neighbors started asking questions about the strange car in the driveway. They were told who it was and the son was called in for a "meeting."

    He was told in no uncertain terms to get rid of her or he could be disfellowshipped. The mother was devastated, the grandkids were crying and screaming for her to stay, and the whole thing turned into a nightmare.

    Point Blank,

    This is despicable! "Get rid of" his mother in order not to "stumble" the JW neighbors, I'd warrant! How awful! Especially awful that the son did the elders' bidding instead of telling them to mind their own damn business!

    Nosy neighbors + spineless son + heartless elders = devastated mother + crying children.

    I hope the grandkids remember this obvious case of emotional wrongness as they grown up, that no amount of explaining by dear old dad will make them buy into the correctness of this action. And if not, may they treat dear old dad with the same cold-heartedness he is working to instill in them by kowtowing to the Society's dictates.

    A sad and disgusted,


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