"apostate" columnist

by kgfreeperson 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • kgfreeperson

    Sylvester Brown began his first column in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch talking about his experience going door to door as a very young JW. Later in the column he indicated he is no longer a JW. Will JWs be subjected to disfellowshipping if they admit to reading his column?

  • kgfreeperson

    I'm sorry--I meant to post the url but it is incredibly long. So if you'd like to see the article, go to http://www.stltoday.com/ and type Sylvester Brown into the search box and his column is the first link.

  • Dansk
    Will JWs be subjected to disfellowshipping if they admit to reading his column?

    Not worried are you, kgf?


  • Matty

    Stephen Bates of The Guardian has been referred to as "apostate" by the JW Hierarchy, not that he has ever been a Witness, it's just that he has been very helpful to our cause in exposing the Watchtower Society. Because of this dubs have tended to blacklist this newspaper.

  • Elsewhere

    He didn't say anything bad about the bOrg, therefore they will view him as a lost-sheep... unfortunately for him, he will inevitably be inundated with literature from hopeful JWs wanting to bring a simi-celebrity back into the fold.

  • NeonMadman

    This thread made me wonder whether anyone was ever actually disfellowshipped for listening to Michael Jackson or Patti Smith records, or reading Mickey Spillane novels?

  • kgfreeperson

    I thought just by publicly stating "I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness" (and referring to it as his mother's religion)he was disassociating himself even if he never previously did that formerly. No? Mickey Spillaine? Really?

  • integ

    I thought Mickey Spillane was STILL a witness....Would someone clarify please?



  • Gopher

    Last I heard, Mickey Spillane still was an active, meeting-going J-dub.

  • NeonMadman
    Last I heard, Mickey Spillane still was an active, meeting-going J-dub.

    Then something is strange here, because he was definitely disfellowshipped for a while back in the 1960's and the word on the street (well, at the Kingdom Hall, actually) was that he had been disfellowshipped because of the violent, sexy novels he refused to stop writing. I gather his novels haven't changed much, so perhaps he got a special dispensation from the WTS in order to get reinstated?

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