Will the G.B. ever give a "new light" on Romans 6:7?

by BoogerMan 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Thanks for posting that Blondie.

    The WT assumes a presupposition that is identical to atheism (materialism) in regards to humanity - the physical you is all there is to "you". This isn't biblical, and is a fairly recent addition to societal consciousness. Pronouns denote personhood and pronouns are used throughout the bible in respect to our soul and also our spirit - the immaterial parts of you. But, all three are you.... as far as the bible is concerned.

    Because of that, the WT has to do a "work around" when acknowledging the fact that the death in Romans 6: 7 isn't physical. Oh, it suits their purposes just fine for the R&F to believe that it is... but even an idgit can see from context that the death in Romans 6: 7 isn't physical. So, they use the time honored method of calling something in the bible they don't like - symbolic. Envoking the symbolic card is a lazy man's (or worse) theology.

    Biblically, a person (their spirit) literally perishes when they are born again.... which is the ONLY way a person can be a Christian. The sin nature we inheirit cannot be rehabilitated. It must die. When we agree to let that happen, God gives us a spirt that is begotten by God himself. We become his progeny.

    But here's the rub: It is only a downpayment (ernest) on the full inheritance when our soul and body is redeemed as well - at the resurrection. In this life, all we get is a new spirit which cannot sin, because it is begotten of God. When we worsip in the spirit, that is acceptable to God. If we do it in the mind (soul) or in the flesh, it is not interacted with by God. God interacts with our new spirit when we are born again. NT believers worship in spirit and truth.

    So, the true meaning of Romans 6:7 isn't a symbolic death like WT reluctantly admits. It is a spiritual death of your spirit. So, even though your spirit is barely discernable to most people because we spend most of our life in the flesh, it is enough for God to interact with you as his very own child and redeem your soul and body as well...in due course.

    I don't want to sound preachy or like a holy roller, but this is exactly what is going on in Romans 6: 7.

    "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him:
    and he [his spirit] cannot sin, because he is born of God". - 1 John 3: 9

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