What I Saw & Heard in the Oral Argument Hearing on January 14, 2015

by ABibleStudent 68 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Since the Watchtower is very careful about what it writes, the following information would probably need to be introduced as evidence:
    1. Time slip records of JWs to demonstrate how much control the WTBTS has over JWs,
    1. Emphasize that the WTBTS pressures elders to practice the “Two-Witness” Rule, contact the legal department before calling local police, and that JWs are indoctrinated not to bring reproach on the WTBTS.  The Constitution guarantees that government is not allowed to infringe on an individual’s beliefs but can regulate an individual’s actions.
    1. Testimony from JWs/ex-JWs in a congregation about how they are influenced by Watchtower propaganda,
    1. Pertinent Watchtower and Awake! articles about shunning, going in FS, blindly following instructions by the GB and elders, that JWs are the most honest and trustworthy people in the world, etc.
    1. Testimony from experts about undue influence, BITE control, mind manipulation techniques, and affects of using thought-stopping platitudes.
    1. Any documentation from the WTBTS like the 1989 BOE letter that demonstrates how the WTBTS controls local congregations.


    The one thing the WT will do, is question ANY statement made by ANY one as if there is no one who knows anything.  The least amount of wriggle room, the better.

  • flipper

    Robert - Fantastic job of reporting this court proceeding. I still have a good feeling about Candace Conti's chances here . I feel the justices and court powers WILL be able to see through the WT Society BS before this is over. I believe that one of the HUGE things Simon's needs to convince the court of is NOT of any special relationship between Conti and the WT Society of which there really IS none- but to convince the court of the special relationship between the WT Society appointed elders and the WT Society itself through CONFIDENTIAL communication of secret instructions in elders manuals and letters from the WT Society to the elders regarding child abuse policies and Simon's NEEDS to get this written documentation out there so the WT attorneys look foolish to be denying any responsibility here. These policies expose WT Society irresponsibility for sure. Probably one reason WT Society did NOT reveal these policies to the courts in the Lopez case in San Diego which Zalkin won a 13.5 million suit against the WT Society.

      And Simon's needs to make it clear that THESE instructions to elders are NEVER made aware to victims of child abuse like Candace Conti- so JW victims are never made aware of WHAT instructions are handed down to the elders which favor WT Society interests . So it's definitely an uneven playing field. These seem to be serious issues here in my opinion after reading your opening post.  This needs to be fully exposed

  • joe134cd
    Well one thing I am sure about. Wt must now deeply regret not having taken Conti more seriously at the beginning. She certainly taught them a lesson that they are not beyond the reach of any earthly establishment. 
  • smiddy

    Thank you A Bible Student for your input about this case.

    .I hope the law doesn`t prove to be an ass in this case and Candace Conti comes off a winner.And I agree with flipper`s view about the case.Personally I think Zalkin would have done a better job in explaining or exposing the subterfuge the WT society employs , just my opinion.



  • flipper
    SMIDDY- I tend to agree with your views as well. I think Zalkin WOULD be more aggressive in exposing the WT Society than Simon's in Conti's case. However like the old expression " hindsight is 20/20 . " Hopefully Simon's will step up to the plate here and not wuss out
  • Vidiot

    joe134cd - "WT must now deeply regret not having taken Conti more seriously at the beginning."

    Pretty sure they don't.

    Authoritarian regimes aren't known for "regret".


    We should send Rick Simmons the latest checklist that the CO wants filled out. It has a nice sentence about the CO using the time-slip to judge the spirituality of the rank and file. 

    Field service time/visible service is THE #1 priority of JWism. Their actions and procedures prove it. 

    The more understanding of the inner workings that we make available, the greater the chance of victory in the future. Remember Zalkin is also involved, he was there to watch if I am not mistaken. He would likely appreciate information presented in a "matter of fact" manner.


  • ABibleStudent

    Although I do agree with collecting information to send to attorneys to build cases against the WTBTS, I would recommend that people send documentation and information to someone like Barbara Anderson for the following reasons:

    • She already has established relationships with several law firms and would be able to distribute the information to more than one law firm,
    • She is already considered an expert of the WTBTS,
    • She would be able to translate the cult speak of the Watchtower for attorneys to present as evidence, and
    • She would be able to filter and prioritize the information for attorneys so that they could focus on presenting the evidence.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • ABibleStudent

    If you want to spend $20 for a copy of the oral arguments CD, contact the clerk of the 1st Appellate District Court.  The WTBTS has already been sent their copy.  If you don't want your name appearing on the case docket, you will need to ask someone to request the CD for you.  http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/dockets.cfm?dist=1&doc_id=2025979&doc_no=A136641

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Splash

    The WT once hammered the Ctholics n the pages of Awake! for the exact same thing theyare doing today.

    *** g89 1/22 p. 10 Christendom Walks in the Way of Canaan ***

    “Church officials insist that a notorious 1985 Louisiana case in which a priest molested at least 35 boys has taught them to deal firmly with the problem. But a three-month Mercury News investigation reveals that in more than 25 dioceses across the country, church officials have failed to notify authorities, transferred molesting priests to other parishes, ignored parental complaints and disregarded the potential damage to child victims. . . . Millions of dollars in damages already have been paid to victims and their families, and one 1986 church report estimated that the church’s liability could reach $1 billion over the next decade.”

    The “notorious 1985 Louisiana case” mentioned in the Mercury News report concerned a priest named Gilbert Gauthe. There has been a “payment of $12 million to his victims.”

    How do you spell k-a-r-m-a ?


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