Searcher has arrived

by searcher 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat
    I get paid tomorrow!!!!!!!! So, let the partying keep on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is there something going on this weekend? Thursday even?

    Ok, so who all is wanting to go to Billy Bob's on the 4th???????

    Crap! We've already got plans since a friend of mine is in town.

  • SheilaM

    How long wil lhe be there?????? We'd love to meet him

  • Jesika


    This weekend, search is going to Lyineyes and then coming back to go to San Antonio with Nav.

    Next week, search will be staying with me, so pm and let me know when you are available.


  • Jade

    For those that can make it to Fort Worth, Texas on the 4th of July to meet Searcher, we are having a cookout around 1:00PM. Fajitas and Margaritas!!!!!! So if you are interested, please PM me and RSVP so we know how much food to cook.

    Talk to you soon!!!


  • searcher

    Day Two

    Had a wonderful time round the Stockyards in Fort Worth, with Navigator, Jade Moreisbeter and Jesika,(forgot me camera so will have to go back

    Searcher actually put SOUR CREAM on his STEAK.

    Yeh Done in honour of the folks I met in Amsterdam where I first had sour cream, hehehe, I like the taste,

    Shown round the downtown Fort Worth shops by Moreisbetter ( thanks hun, didnt know an old un could walk so far hm?

    Later Navigator, Moreisbetter Roo and I went to the OmniMax, what a great experience it is, after, on to mexican food and Margarita's

    Back to Navigators, pool hot tub and relax (in a big heap, those hot tubs will getcha

    American Searcher

  • onacruse

    searcher, enjoy that hot water while U can. Up here, we like to take dips in the warm (55 degree) Pacific Ocean. That'll straighten out the hair on your chest. LOL

    Craig & Kate (of the "preparing" class)

  • searcher
    searcher, enjoy that hot water while U can


    You not yet discovered fire up North then? You have to live with cold water?


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