Watchtower is Run Like the Mafia

by Sea Breeze 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot

    “Nice extended family connections you got there…

    …shame if something were to happen to ‘em.”

  • TonusOH

    Now I'm thinking about Godfather quotes...

    Tessio : Barzini's people chisel my territory and we do nothing about it. Pretty soon there won't be anyplace in Brooklyn that I can hang my hat.

    Tony Morris: Brooklyn's done. Buy some land in Ramapo. You'll thank me later.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Mark Sanderson 2021 Annual Meeting ;

    'They will be removed'


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    "Take the counsel, leave the cannoli".

  • joe134cd

    Reasonfirst - I live in a country closely connected to Australia. That fascinates me what you are saying. I never had heard of that before. I’m going to read that link.

  • blondie

    Strange to hear that now. In the late 60's and 70's "heavy" brothers/elders came up from Chicago to run conventions in WI. Now, they were also called the "Mafia." It really was no joke in reality.

  • Reasonfirst

    to joe134cd: Yes! These days few jws would know of those events during WW2. Even then (early 1950s) it was not generally discussed. I was young then and am now old, so I guess, is everyone else from my youth, and those who witnessed the events are even older. So the fact that a University academic took time to research the event is useful.

    As far as the WTS is concerned, they'd probably like the 'sins' of the Aussie branch to be forgotten.

    Though, strangely, a Gilead graduate once told me that the Aussie branch's deviation from the party line was mentioned in the lectures at Gilead, and held up as an example of what 'could' happen at the end of the 1000 years.

  • smiddy3

    Thank you reason first ,I`m an Aussie who became a JW in 1960 and didn`t leave till many- many years later years later.

    I also will check out those links ,thank you.


  • Reasonfirst

    Seabreeze to me: "Open your eyes. It is a successful business model. They bring your family into a conflict when necessary to control you and to protect their "thing". It is so successful they are quite adept at convincing you to even commit suicide... or at least forfeit the authenticity of your life, which is a type of death."

    Sb, are your own eyes really open? Or, maybe your just short-sighted. I'm not attempting to spoil your fun in slinging shit at the Jws, many have been hurt by WT policies, but objectively, not all witnesses, or all elders are like gangsters.

    Your analogy of the mafia can be applied to all churches, why not compare Xtianity, with its threats that unbelievers will burn in hell forever, to the mafia also. It's the same business model.

    Paul stated that those who are 'false' teachers are anathema. But how to decide who is a false teacher?

    Years later, when the early church had started to use episkopos as church leaders, Origen, commenting on Matthew's gospel (in the 240 C.E decade.), wrote that the Bishop's "terrify people, and make themselves inaccessible, especially if people are poor ... we behave as no tyrant would."

    That's real gangster style isn't it? It's the same 'business model.' Why not make it clear that early christianity was the model.

  • Foolednomore

    Watchtower Agents Elders or GB are nothing more then thugs in suits. Don't give them any power. To me they are clowns.

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