Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?

by minimus 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Ouch... did I get censored in my last post - half of it went missing, maybe I just had finger problems when I edited it.


  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Back to the original post question, no, it is only a reactionary symptom of a greater malaise.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    White nationalism is certainly a problem. White nationalists who break the law in serious ways must be dealt with very harshly.

    But is it a major problem?

    Well, perhaps it would be useful to do a global comparison of the number of deaths due white nationalism, socialism, Islamism, capitalism and other categories, stretching back a number of years. (How far back? - dunno, but further back than September 12, 2001.)

    It would be interesting to see the stats.

  • waton
    it was racism that caused WW2 sta

    If I remember right, it was the suppression of (just as worthy as others') aspirations by the Treaty of Versailles, that caused the resumption of the fighting. A major part of that penned up frustration happen to have been in the Austrian, German speaking block. The Italiens, Japanese joined the melee later, hardly on racial revenge sentiments.

    Lesson: dont frustrate to desperation an equally worthy populace.

  • minimus

    Very informative responses!👍👍👍

  • Judgejudy

    The press is whipping it up making an mountain out of an ant hill. Is it there yes, is it this huge issue no. It just fits the medias narrative.

  • WTWizard

    And what about the Mossad based attacks always blamed on the white race? This has been going on, in one form or another, since Martin Luther Communist gave that talk--and has been getting worse in recent years. And they use the blind "You shouldn't criticize us, that's anti-Semitism" to get away with it. If it doesn't stop, we are all going to be just like the greys--no identity, no idea of where we came from or where we are going, no ability to think for ourselves. Hey, at least then there will be no more racism because we will be all the same.

    And is Islam doing things to deserve some of their vile reputation? Do you wish them to force Canada, USA, England, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Poland, and wherever else they can intrude to abide by Sharia or Noahide Laws? Unchecked, they will do just that. And the government is not doing a thing to stop it. Perhaps when Muslims are forced to follow the law instead of imposing Sharia Law or blowing up things to get their way, they will not be attacked any more.

    And no, xians are not exempt, either. They have no business going into Africa to proselytize to people that just want to be left alone. Maybe that's why they, too, get persecuted. Creating the Dark Ages and trying to impose Noahide Law is going to win nothing more to me than imposing Sharia Law. Both denigrate women to the extreme, both are homophobic (and yet they segregate men and women), both prevent humanity from developing spiritually, and both deserve to be put out of business.

    I will add that violence against Muslims (or xians) usually produces the opposite effect of what is intended. They simply draw together and remain steadfast, instead of being disbanded. They simply need to be taxed out of existence and forced to abide by reasonable laws (such as not torturing or killing those who do not wish to abide by their programs). And, if it is false flag intended to enslave the whole planet, those responsible (the whole group, not just those that actually pulled the trigger) need to be punished to the fullest. No hiding behind the political correctness nonsense that has protected them to this date, either. Maybe if, upon realizing that shootings intended to vilify white (or black or Asian) people minding their own business or take away our gun rights will have the opposite effect, they will think twice before doing another one.

  • Phizzy

    I think that looking back at stats of past murders and atrocities is informative, yes, but does not tell us what the future holds. The rise of Far Right and Populist politicians and Parties in Europe has come on the back of racist ideas, cloaked in terms of worries about "immigration" and the "Loss of our culture".

    The rhetoric from Donald Trump has not discouraged anyone on the road to extremism, and such people do not feel it is good enough just to let their feelings be known at the Ballot Box.

    Far Right Wing extremist individuals foment conspiracy theories, and hatred on-line and elsewhere, and they constitute a "group" or "movement" even if studied individually they seem to be Lone Wolves.

    The Security Services here in the U.K have taken over responsibility for monitoring these people, viewing them as a very real Terrorist threat. The U.S.A has been complacent for too long about this.

    Potentially violent Extremists of whatever stripe must be identified and stopped, also racist comments and ideas must be called out whoever utters them, before the violence happens, many words are spoken.

  • Bad_Wolf
    Do not fret my friend, nobody is trying to wipe out our culture/heritage/ancestry. Our nation is a culture of cultures. Like everything in life, it is transient and evolves over time. Colonialism gave way to the Victorian era. The Victorian era to the industrial age. The industrial age to the nuclear family. The nuclear family to the hippies. And the hippies (confoundingly) to the information age. Etc.
    The impact, importance, and history of our culture/heritage/ancestry is well preserved. In our books. In our films. And within each of us. Immigrants have shaped and changed our identity throughout the entire existence of the United States through a process of Hellenization. We extract the best parts - and jettison the rest. For multiculturalism doesn't mean equal value. But rather equal consideration.
    We have much to be proud of. Not as nationalists nor supremacists but as Americans. Because we don't just tolerate other cultures. We celebrate the best of in each of them.

    America doesn't really have a long established culture, as constant changing and country is only a few hundred years old. But in Europe, those cultures are being wiped out.

  • Bad_Wolf
    Far Right Wing extremist individuals foment conspiracy theories, and hatred on-line and elsewhere, and they constitute a "group" or "movement" even if studied individually they seem to be Lone Wolves.
    The Security Services here in the U.K have taken over responsibility for monitoring these people, viewing them as a very real Terrorist threat. The U.S.A has been complacent for too long about this.
    Potentially violent Extremists of whatever stripe must be identified and stopped, also racist comments and ideas must be called out whoever utters them, before the violence happens, many words are spoken.

    What are the conspiracy theories? I don't live in London, but I've seen what's happened there, in France, etc. The no go zones, etc. Are those conspiracy theories, or is it that people are complaining about what is happening, telling hard truths? And hard truths must be silenced because they are expected to bend over and take it in the ass and to like it too?

    Things can be twisted and make a false narrative, those can be used to create hate and fear. And cold hard truths, not exaggerated can also do the same. The first can and should be addressed. The second, if the perceived solution is to silence it, will only make it steam up worse and blow hard when it does. In the case of things with muslims and mass immigration, it's the 2nd one. An example of the first one, twisting facts to create a false narrative, would be American police systematically targeting blacks because of the color of their skin and killing them any chance they get. Looking at the true facts, numbers, etc, that is a twisted and false narrative that creates fear and started a chain of violence against police. But mass immigration, no go zones, the crime, the numbers, statistics, all true, and if people airing it is creating problems, then the problems need to be addressed, not silenced, and the longer it's ignored, the worse it will get. Better integration, less mass immigration, practical solutions can diffuse and lessen the problems. If politicians just ignore, mass immigration, and silence those complaining, the problems will grow and it will hit a real bad boiling point.

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