Voting Bush out

by Jayson 35 Replies latest social current

  • Jayson

    What is the best campaign stratagy to win against him? Be serious this is to win the minds of American voters not to polerize them against you. Otherwise it's a plug for him.

    I think that the one real weakness is unemployment in America. For all the talk little result is what I see. If it is worse, or not at least improving in a provable manner, I'll not vote for him. As long as there is someone else to vote for. (Remember my "voting in Iraq" thread. YIKES)

    If he wins at least there is still term limits.

  • shamus


    I think that people will see what they need to at the time. It's pretty difficult to change millions of minds... unless they want to be changed.

    George Bush hasn't done anything really wrong in his mind... he is acting out of his own conscience, and I do hand it to him for doing that. However, his biased religious views drive me nuts to say the least!

  • larc


    I don't think the president has anyting whatsoever to do with unemployment. The world of business, supply and demand, technological innovation, and the natural cycle of the economy are the variables that effect the economy, not the president. The only person that effects the economy is Alan Greenspan.

    So, Jayson, if you disagree with me, please tell me what Clinton did to lower unemployment and what Bush did to increase unemployment. I bet you can't do it. If you can, I would be glad to learn from you.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Ask me 2 months before the election....too much will happen before then. Until then, I'm sticking with him.

  • Jayson

    I don't think the president has anyting whatsoever to do with unemployment. The world of business, supply and demand, technological innovation, and the natural cycle of the economy are the variables that effect the economy, not the president. The only person that effects the economy is Alan Greenspan.

    So, Jayson, if you disagree with me, please tell me what Clinton did to lower unemployment and what Bush did to increase unemployment. I bet you can't do it. If you can, I would be glad to learn from you
    Larc I am going to start being very careful who I publicly disagree with around JWD. I agree with you that Greenspan is the econonic factor in America. I also betcha a cyber cup of coffee that if Bush is elected in 2004 Mr. Greenspan will decide to retire. Clinton did the 100k government job programs that no one can pay for anymore....(does not mean I am blaming Bush for that.) But my point was more so what is a good campaign against President Bush. Even if just for devils advocate. Not to flame or start a fight, if that happens I will ask moderators to delete this thread. (If your listening Simon I am asking you to delete it if it gets nasty.) I meant it as an honest question.

  • larc


    I do not want to into a flame war either. I just want to discuss information. First off, the economy is very complicated, and I am not an Economist, so I am not an expert on the subject. It just seems to me that the President, whether Democrat or Republican has nothing to do with health of the economy.

    As far as Clinton's 100K jobs program, I don't know anything about it, so I can't comment and you will have to enlighten me about this program.

    I will say that successful jobs programs are started by business, not the Federal Government. Business creates real jobs, as needed, not make work jobs created by the government, jobs that contribute nothing to the economy.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Unless something really catastrophic happens, Bush has a lock on the next election. I also concur that Presidents have almost nothing to do with the economy in the short term, long term, tax policy can make a big difference.

  • Jayson


    here are three links about the 100k policemen

    I have not check the sources nor really read them I just did a metatag search. Townhall is a conservative website, then there is one of Bill's state of the union's, and the third is a research page maybe for or against but it seems to have stats for you. If you are interested in Clinton's 100k policement program I hope it helps to get you started in understanding. It's just strait up some info on my end.

    I am not a econ major either. I used to have lunch with one (a university grad & my best friend) twice a week. He is probably off to Iraq now. They have a grasp on things. A year more or less ago he said Allen should be fired. He said Bush is irrelevent unless he cuts taxes and replaces Greenspan. (I'm just giving you his opinion.) I agree with porkchop & you that it seems Bush is unbeatable. But I have no problems asking if people have any ideas of campaign ideals that could compete with Bush for 2004. It seems maybe there isn't.

    larc I hope you understand that I did not mean that you said anything wrong. I only meant that I am going to try to be more careful in whom I choose to talk to or debate with, and more important disagree with anymore on JWD. As it seems I have been doing a bit of the latter of late when you said "disagree" I tried to be careful with my next words.

  • JeffT

    I'm going to toss a couple of thoughts at this. First an old joke: if you laid all the economists in the world end to end, they still wouldn't reach a conclusion. The economy is so complicated NOBODY can understand it, much less control it. Nevertheless if it gets better Bush will get the credit, if gets worse he will get the blame.

    There is a wild card loose in the Democratic camp: Hillary Clinton. She's SAYS she isn't going to run, but my take on that is "we'll see." If she doesn't run she will certainly be hoping that the Democratic candidate looses, because she certainly has her eyes on '08. So if she doesn't run watch for her to be ripping herself in half.

    As to a successful campaign, the Democrats have to do several things. The first thing they have to do is develop a message that makes sense. Right now they are doing two things wrong, their starting point seems to be to look at whatever the Republicans are for, and then oppose it. And the second thing is that their stated positions seem to consist of fifty point position papers that consist of scraps thrown at a coalition of special interest groups.

  • heathen

    Bush knows nothing about how to run the country so I think it will take someone who knows what to do about the economy and I also think people will grow as tired as I am about hearing all the problems in the middle east .

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