'Jesus box' exposed as fake

by Rado Vleugel 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    This fake box did it's job though. What was the job? Why, to get american fundies more in line for the war against israel's enemies, of course. Israeli propaganda purveyed by their cohorts in the media. What kind of chicanery will they dream up next!


  • Abaddon

    Wonderful to see cognitive dissonance at work;

    "No! It must be true! I'm not going to believe the experts who say it's a fake (although I'd be quite happy to believe them if they said it was real)! They must be lying! It's a plot!"

    You can take the Dub out of the Borg, but it's harder to take the Borg out of the Dub...

  • Yizuman

    What I am saying is that what if the Archologists who doesn't like Christianity or doesn't believe in Jesus decided to make claims that the box is a fake?

    What religious background (if any) are these Archologists??

    The bottom line is that I agree with the fact that the box was dugged up and placed in a shop to sell rather than leave it alone at the spot and allow the Archologists to examine the box before deciding what to do with it. It does hurt the credibility of the box by taking it out of the ground and not telling anyone about the find. Even if the box turns out to be real.

    It's a shame really.


  • funkyderek
    What I am saying is that what if the Archologists who doesn't like Christianity or doesn't believe in Jesus decided to make claims that the box is a fake?

    What religious background (if any) are these Archologists??

    Their religious background is (or certainly should be) irrelevant. You're casting doubt on their professional integrity based solely on your desire to believe that this box is evidence for the existence of your god.

    The bottom line is that I agree with the fact that the box was dugged up and placed in a shop to sell rather than leave it alone at the spot and allow the Archologists to examine the box before deciding what to do with it. It does hurt the credibility of the box by taking it out of the ground and not telling anyone about the find.

    The box didn't have much credibility to start with. Now that it's been examined by experts, we know it's just a (clever) fake.

    Even if the box turns out to be real.

    Yiz, you're grasping at straws now. It's just another hoax, performed to make money or to "prove" a religious belief.

    It's a shame really.

    It must be difficult putting the cart before the horse, by believing first and then looking for the evidence. Perhaps that's why you're so easily taken in by obvious hoaxes.

  • searchfothetruth

    It says that the people who have said it was a fake were Israeli's...so no hidden agenda there then.

  • expatbrit
  • Satanus

    Biblical Archeology Review magazine appears to be a very thourogh study of what it's title suggests. However, it's really more of a soap opera put on by jewish biblical scholars to keep bibalists occupied. Bibalists read the apparently deep discussions/analyses and just get more confused about things biblical.


  • funkyderek
    It says that the people who have said it was a fake were Israeli's

    Probably because it was "found" in Israel.

    ...so no hidden agenda there then.

    I hope that's true of you as well

  • searchfothetruth


    I don't believe in Jesus at all, I was just making a point.

    The scientific comunitee are well known for their 'hidden agenda's' and especially Israeli's, if they don't believe Jesus was the messiah, wouldn't really want this to become a new 'turin shroud' would they.

    Or maybe i'm wrong...who cares

  • rem

    Well it is just another Turin Shroud since that was shown to be a fake too. What's your point?


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