Teejay and the Kosmokrator

by IslandWoman 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Notion commotion.

    A notion implies a belief. I have suggested that you present evidence for that belief, it may have escaped your notice that this is what this discussion is actually about - the implication of a 'notion'! If you are unable to provide needed evidence to support your 'notion', as you seem to imply, then I might suggest that next time you have a 'notion', you not use NAMES. Do you get it now TJ? Your 'notions' are just that, yet you chose to introduce more than belief into the issue by defining persons who are the object of your 'notion', and now you need to defend your 'notion', before readers succumb to a 'notion' about your 'notion'.

    Now... if you try reeeal hard, you might be able to use your own words to understand what I meant when I say there is a Cult of Farkel / JanH / AlanF on this board.

    And now, TJ, you seem to have moved from a 'notion' to an absolute ( as I surmised from your posts anyway! ). You say 'that there is a Cult of Farkel / JanH / AlanF on this board'. This is presented as a statement of fact. No longer a 'notion'. Sometimes TJ, I enjoy your posts, other times one wonders what motivates you to express your thoughts. Anyway, I am certainly not going to get locked into a frustrating debate that goes on for another fifteen pages. I am sure that when you provide proof for your twice highlighted statement above, we can all go home and fondle our 'notions'.

    Best regards - HS

  • IslandWoman


    IW, do you ever take off your sexist colored glasses?

    That was a "Yes or No, have you stopped beating your wife?" type of question. LOL If you want an answer could you tell me, what did I say on this thread that added to your opinion that I am sexist or was your question/accusation a rhetorical one?

    For what it's worth I change the "color" of my glasses frequently, I also think it is impossible for anyone to see without some "color" in their glasses, don't you? But if you feel I am sexist that's okay. You are entitled to your opinion just as we all are.

    Have a good evening, SixofNine.


  • SixofNine

    So have you stopped beating your men?

    If you want an answer could you tell me, what did I say on this thread that added to your opinion that I am sexist or was your question/accusation a rhetorical one?

    The latter.

    I also think it is impossible for anyone to see without some "color" in their glasses, don't you?

    Yes. But we can always try to do better. (and this is the easiest place in the world to practice).

    You are entitled to your opinion just as we all are.

    Good, I work hard to be accurate.

    ciao baby.... *checks IW's ass as he leaves the room*

  • gumby
    though the Great Mithras is a god, in order to stand as mature men we must not lean on the Great Mithras but on ourselves.

    I'm so glad this was pointed out to me as I believe and follow all that I hear and see. I never knew such a thought existed. To think for ourselves. Wow....now thats heavy!


  • IslandWoman
    So have you stopped beating your men?

    LOL, of course not! I usually "beat" my men on the wild shore of the Atlantic Ocean, they don't usually complain about it though.


  • wasasister
    Was that meant to be an insult? Are you saying that I am a dog?

    Aww, hell, Teejay...we're all dogs of one sort or another. And I happen to like dogs.

    Since the theme of this thread is fables with meaning, I thought I'd play along. If you want it without ice or club soda:

    Simon called an earlier discussion on this same subject a "waste of bandwidth" and summarily locked it. Island Woman, a gifted writer even when I disagree with her subject matter, saw fit to bring up the subject of cults within the x-jw community in a somewhat more creative way than you did.

    I don't always agree with Simon's thread-locking, but I do recognize when I'm out-clouted. I think the subject, especially as discussed among you, HS, AlanF, and - why be modest - myself, is an interesting one. But it seems as if the forum owner sees it differently.

    HS asked you legitimate questions which you so far have sidestepped. I'd be eager to sit back and read the dialogue and inject the occasionally witty (in my own mind) remark while you two volley back and forth. However, my dear Pit Bull, I think Simon may have other scenarios in mind.


    PS to Hillary: my cult meets on alternate Thursday evenings when Survivor is off-air. We are a shallow lot, following pop-culture as the mindless slaves we are. Bring your own X-Box and arrive on a Seguay, please. An offering of a single-barrel whiskey will put you in the clergy in short order.

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