INSANE last days speculation in 10/2019 WT

by neat blue dog 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • iwantoutnow

    nowwhat? - I sadly ask myself that EVERY DAY!

    I try to remind myself that when you only get 1 side of an argument, even smart people can be fooled.

    Like you - its so late in the game of life, with being behind the 8-ball on so many fronts, it's hard to make lemonade, if you know what I mean.

  • Gorbatchov

    This is the kind of stuff that made me think when I was a child "this can't be true" and I am proud prevented my lovely chikdren for it!


  • minimus

    Cult Cult Cult

  • pale.emperor

    I long said this would happen. When the GB die they'll pass the baton on to their minions and the madness will continue.

    So nice to read that, apparently, ISIS will hand up their guns and shake hands with US soldiers. The Dalai lama will start wearing normal clothes and the pope will hang up his hat.

    All because the UN told them to.

    Sounds legit.

    They should have thought of this long ago.


    I have to say that I’m still not sure if the GB/Lawyers ( Also, I think they could both answer to someone, but that’s a whole other subject...) are merely deluded, or evil. I suppose it’s possible that they are simply possessed by their ideology, which makes “good” people more likely to engage in immoral behavior. The longer I’m away the crazier they sound.

    Did you notice all the qualifying words? They can’t write an article without using qualifying words. Can you imagine living in a world where you can never just let your “...yes mean yes..”, and where you can never be free to actually have personal belief, but instead exist in an ever-changing labyrinth of quasi-doctrine that changes at the whim of your superiors and their Legal counsel? That’s Hell...

    Life is hard and sometimes I wish I could believe something fantastic that would change me for the better and make me feel something magical again. I’m a Daoist and probably always have been, so I make peace with existence as best I can.

    I’m better off having left JWism, but making the conscious decision to examine the religion of my birth had real world consequences, one being the void left over, followed by a bout of nihilism that I struggle to shake. Then there is the admission that despite believing I’m cured, I’m probably more likely to join another cult. I narrowly missed joining the Born Agains, which seems like a logical next step for any Dub who finds Jesus. Guess I dodged that bullet..

    Yeah, they are crazy AF and my Ex and only child are still trapped and I’m not sure they will ever get out. Maybe the Cult will rebrand into a more mainstream Jesus religion someday? It all depends on what the future GB/Helpers ( They aren’t going anywhere as a group...) and the Lawyers feel is necessary for “Mother” to survive.

    Some people can’t survive without a religion to believe in because life is hard, in fact it’s a fatal condition, so maybe Dubs or something like Dubs will always exist until there is some actual uniting force for humanity to believe in? Seems like we’re too selfish and neurotic as a species to cast off self-destructive behaviors like enabling tax free Real Estate flipping organizations to sell us our personal “Emperor’s New Clothes.”


  • Vidiot
    Biahi - "The GB will disappear to heaven aka the Cayman Islands LOL..."

    Sooner the better, AFAIC...

    ...make everything easier for the rest of us.

  • Poztate
    some point, all anointed ones who are
    still on earth will be gathered to heav-
    en to share in the war of Armageddon.
    (Matt. 24:31; Rev. 2:26, 27) This means
    that the Governing Body will no longer
    be with us on earth. However, the great
    crowd will remain organized. Capable
    brothers from among the other sheep
    will take the lead. We will need to show
    our loyalty by supporting these brothers
    and by following their God-given direc-
    tion. Our survival will depend on it!

    This smells to me that a major change in in the works.I would not be surprised if the next member of the GB would be of the"other sheep class" They could easily spin it that they are preparing qualified ones now since the Rapture is so imminent for them.A shiver of anticipation and excitement would run through all JW's at this exciting "New Light"™

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    This smells to me that a major change in in the works.I would not be surprised if the next member of the GB would be of the"other sheep class" They could easily spin it that they are preparing qualified ones now since the Rapture is so imminent for them.A shiver of anticipation and excitement would run through all JW's at this exciting "New Light"™

    My thoughts exactly POZTATE

  • Spiral

    A lot of this kind of speculation has come in waves over the years. It keeps the R&F engaged and guessing. Funny how the GB are going to be gathered to heaven and share in the war of Armageddon. Ugh. Narcissists indeed!

    My head hurts when I read this stuff.

    It's so true that once you're out, you just can't even imagine taking this seriously for five minutes. Sad that the JWs do. What a ugly vision of the future they have.

  • Gorbatchov

    I smelled change is comming since the september edition with huge focus at the great crowd.

    They never had a single focus at the gc, read the article it is the fundament of the near future change.


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