2024 Pioneer Manual!

by Atlantis 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ron.W.

    Many thanks!

    Those illustrations.. they look like the sort that could have subliminals!

  • Journeyman

    Seeing this latest edition reminds me of how much the PS, like lots of other things, has been dumbed down.

    When I went to the School in the 1990s, the programme was two weeks long and consisted of at least one opportunity to actually go out on the ministry. As I understand it, it has now been cut to only a week, and there is no 'practical' exercise of going on the ministry during the School.

    Also, comparing the first topics on Day 1 tells you a lot about how they've shifted the emphasis.

    I dug out my old School book and the first two units included:

    • Getting acquainted more intimately with Jehovah as a person
    • Pursuing the way of love
    • Showing personal interest in others

    However, the Day 1 programme in this latest edition consists of:

    • Fortify Your Relationship With Jehovah
    • Using the New World Translation
    • Keep Pace With Spiritual Enlightenment

    So the emphasis is more on organisation-specific stuff, and on learning to put up with constant changes in the org! All that woolly Christian stuff about "the way of love" (gone completely from the new book) and "personal interest in others" (much later in the programme) have been replaced by clearly much more important points, like these two in the "Keep pace" section:

    • How does our refined understanding of the faithful slave affect you personally?
    • How do doctrinal refinements build your faith and confidence in Jehovah and his organization?

    They've also reduced the content on Jesus from two chapters ("Jesus Christ - The Way, The Truth, The Life" and "Follow Jesus as a model" - nine pages of text in total) to one ("Appreciate Jesus’ Role" - four pages).

    Who are they kidding?

  • ozziepost

    Firstly, thanks in abundance to Atlantis for bringing us this latest “pearl of wisdom” from Borg headquarters.

    if it was the former times of me on this esteemed forum, I would have spent hours in writing a refutation of this tome, chapter by chapter, but honestly nowadays I haven’t the time left in my life and I’m sure it doesn’t take the likes of me to point out the flaws in this ‘work of art’.

    Suffice to say, what a load of pseudo theological work ! There’s so many errors in scriptural interpretation it’d take another book to refute it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Thanks to the outstanding work of Atlantis ad always!!!

  • zahoots

    Big Thanks Grandpa!

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