For those who still think the Bible is useful for arriving at any conclusions about life or anything else!

by doubtfull1799 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • doubtfull1799

    "Both read the Bible day & night, but thou read black where I read white."

    - William Blake

  • Ireneus

    Bulk of Bible contains untruth; yet this is irrelevant because it contains too precious things, eternal truth such as Mathew 7:12; 25:31-46 where humanism is put above even the concept of God.

  • WTWizard

    Anyone that actually follows this damnation book is in for a life of stagnation. Your soul will become stagnant, and you will in fact be supplying energy for the enslavement of the whole world under joke-hova's "chosen ones". It will be worse than whatever textbooks have to say about slavery, or even the Dark Ages when only joke-hova's "chosen ones" owned anything (and everyone). If that is what you want, by all means use the LIE-ble to arrive at conclusions about what to do.

    Or, you could use that book of lies to prevent yourself from knowing the truth about anything. That book tells of an earth that is shaped like a record, at the center of the universe. If that was so, then how do certain "stars" move relative to other stars? And occasionally, at regular intervals, go retrograde? Or why do 2 of them never make it much past the sun while the others go all around the zodiac independent of the Sun? You will be too busy working as a slave to even notice this.

  • jhine

    WTWizard , l am a Christian , NOT a JW , and l do not recognise anything that you say . l am not stagnating , l have a thirst for knowledge about the universe and l know lots of people with scientific backgrounds who see no conflict between faith and science .

    You APPEAR to be looking at this through JW coloured glasses . l am not working as a slave and do not see the Bible as a science book or history book in the modern sense . l do see a lot of wisdom in there .


  • stuckinarut2

    Great quote doubtfull1799!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • punkofnice

    Being a JW taught me to hate the Bible.

    I now I cannot take it seriously. It's dangerous.

  • Finkelstein

    The bible should be taken only as a reference of historical human sociological behavior and as a partial study of ancient mythological expressions.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    There's a reason why many call it the "Buy-Bull".

  • steve2

    It amazes me that believers will select an isolated verse here and there that supposedly offers wise advice on some modern problem, whilst ignoring entire books of the Bible or long passages in other parts of the Bible involving genocide, calculated violence directed at individuals and their children and intemperate ranting and raving.

  • fulltimestudent
    steve2 : It amazes me that believers will select an isolated verse here and there that supposedly offers wise advice on some modern problem, whilst ignoring entire books of the Bible or long passages in other parts of the Bible involving genocide, calculated violence directed at individuals and their children and intemperate ranting and raving.

    that's what jumped into my mind when I read the posting by Ireneus, he cites Matthew 25: 31-46 and comments

    "Mathew 7:12; 25:31-46 where humanism is put above even the concept of God."

    Completely ignoring the fate of those who the mythical Jesus claims, ignored his followers. He also ignores the fact that humanism can be found in the thinking of other peoples.

    For example, which is better way to think?

    To love god and your neighbour, as the bible puts it, or to have compassion for all living things as the buddha teaches?

    When YHWH states:

    “I, Yahweh, your god, am a jealous god, punishing children for the iniquity of parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.” (Exodus 20:5)

    What kind of moral code is that?

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