Australia Take 5: “I was sexually abused by a JW elder as a child”

by darkspilver 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Phoebe


    Your post doesn't offend me. You are probably right about the money.

    I tend to believe most people's stories as who would want to lie about being abused? Most people say nothing and suffer in silence as I did for almost 60 years until my doctor said you must finally address it.Now I have the courage to be quite open about it.

    Of course, magazines pay money and it wouldn't be the first time someone has made something up for the money. But in the case of Tara, I don't think so. Yes, the words 'hell' and not wearing ribbons in her hair might seem suspicious but the article writer may have felt 'hell' would resonate with the readers as opposed to Armageddon and who knows? maybe her parents were super strict JWs and didn't allow coloured ribbons (growing up as a JW I had friends who weren't allowed to wear earrings or bangles) and maybe going to the abusers house to read scriptures meant 'the book study'

    I hope Tara finds help but whatever help there is out will never, ever fix it. Abuse damages you for life.

  • stuckinarut2

    Much love to you phoebe.Thanks for sharing your account.

  • Phoebe

    Thank you for your kind words stuckinarut2

    I feel this is a safe place for me to talk openly.

  • joe134cd

    If we got sick, we’d visit a religious elder before going to the doctor in case we were given blood products or antidepressants, which were forbidden.

    We had no TV and I had to wear plain clothes. I wasn’t even allowed to wear coloured ribbons in my hair.

    We weren’t permitted to celebrate birthdays or Christmas, either, and couldn’t associate with non-believers.

    It was as if the joy had been sucked from our lives.

    With all due respect. Although I can't catagorically rule it out. From my experience as a JW I can't help but think the above has been a bit sensationalized.

  • joe134cd

    Just to elaborate on my above statement.

    Ok I agree with (at least whole) blood products been forbidden. But antidepressants? I knew enough JW who were on them to know they were not forbidden and they certainly didn't have to see an elder to get the all clear before taking them. Perhaps they sort guidance from an elder for depression, but weather they took prescribed medicine was up to them.

    No TV, plain clothes, and coloured ribbons. To be honest this sounds more like a personal decision. Although I knew JW that didn't have a TV. This is certainly not a Wt rule as I knew plenty more who had entertainment systems, and some who even took pride in having the latest and greatest technology.

    Ok I agree Jws perhaps don't have the best dress sense. But it was pretty much open provided it was (if I can use JW terminology) modest.

    No ribbons? Well this is the first time in my life I've heard of this.Sorry don't know much about that.

  • truthseekeriam

    One never knows what will trigger PTSD. My daughter was watching a film in one of her college classes that send her into a panic attack. It's sadly something that you just have to live with when you suffered trauma.

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