The "F" word..

by Brummie 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    Interesting cross-section of thoughts in this thread; almost runs the gamut from 1) "I'm not gonna let one word pass without an in-your-face challenge" to 2) "it's the doctrinal argumentations that help the most" to 3) "it's the personal experiences that help the most" to 4) "this forum is mostly a social thing."

    imo all of these represent healthy and natural "stages" of growth away from the WTS. My post-WTS self hasn't been much into #1, at least insofar as posting up "against" somebody is concerned (with a few exceptions ). I think if I ever got fully to #4 stage, then I'd probably just move on and do IRL. But for now, I rather like balancing between #2 and #3

    My 2 cents: Some people seem to have a real hard time getting past stage #1, remaining confrontational and acerbic for years. If that's recovery, then I'll wish them well, take a pass and try another road.


  • Aztec
    4) "this forum is mostly a social thing."

    Hey, does this mean I am highly evolved or what?

    ~Aztec (yay me!)

  • onacruse

    Azzie, don't forget, I'm 52 long-winded body-beaten tired-brain years idea of "socializing" is watching the sun set

  • hillary_step


    The reason is that it's all been said.

    How very true. The WTS and its flawed doctrines have over the past decade been dismantled, reassembled, destroyed, rebuilt, to be destroyed again by thousands of posts on scores of Discussion Boards. There truly is very little left to say, and that is one of the reasons I believe that many who played a great part in the process of this WTS super-analysis in the early days become a little frustrated with the more light-weight tone of these discussion Boards these days. I can understand that, but the process of time is irreversible.

    I also believe that these discussion Boards can, often without us noticing, become a substitute for our real lives. We feel closer to names on Boards than our visible neighbors and at that stage we can begin to take not just the Board's but what is written on them too seriously. Perhaps this is part of the issue that Teejay is focusing on. I think that he makes some valid points, though it has to be said that despite what we might feel about ourselves, very few of us are leaders and most of us are followers. Admitting this fact is very hard for us to accept as we would all like to think that our defining personal philosophies are unique, when actually, there is nothing new under the sun. As Berthold Brech once said, "Everyman is everyman". These venues provide the perfect vehicle for self-delusion in that you can, at least for a while, be anybody you like. The mouse learns how to curse, the homely Jane becomes a voluptous Siren, the seven stone weakling lifts weights with real men. This play-acting can be a healthy thing in helping to redefine our personna once we have escaped from WTS uniformity, but sometimes we forget that it is play-acting.

    One of the most sensible comments that I heard regarding this subject was offered by your good-self on one occasion when you mentioned that this Board was just part of your life and not a substitute for your real life ( or words to that effect ) Sometimes I believe the lines between these lives become dangerously blurred for some of us.

    Best regards - HS

  • larc


    Do you ever have mixed feelings about being ambivalent? Well, that's how I feel right now. You and I got off to a rough start here, and initially we did not like each other. Farkel and I got off to different start. At first, I avoided any confrontation with him, because I soon realized that he was a bit "edgy". Later, I gave him some modest support during his hour of need. Recently, he has given me and my wife emotional support during our time of trouble. Recently, I called him and spilled my guts. He took the time to talk to me even though it was his birthday, unbeknownst to me, and he had friends visiting.

    So, Teejay, I am ambivalent because I do like both you and Farkel. I think that both of you have made very important contributions to this board. Like anyone, we are only as good as our last contribution. I have made most of mine in several essays, and I really don't have much more to add, if anything.

    You may have noted, that I don't write much here anymore. I have said what I have to say, and I don't comment much on content anymore, because I am out of content to offer. I do comment on interpersonal issues, from time to time, as I am doing now.

    While we all have different personalities, talents, and interests, we all have a common bond, and of course, we know what that is. So, I hope that we can keep in mind our common bond, and not allow our differences to disrupt our time with each other. You know, as JWs, we were pretty much cooky cutter people. We all talked the same and thought the same. While it is comforting to live in such a sheltered world, it was also very stifling. I hope that in our freedom we can learn to appreciate, tolerate, and enjoy our diversity.

  • myself
    While we all have different personalities, talents, and interests, we all have a common bond, and of course, we know what that is. So, I hope that we can keep in mind our common bond, and not allow our differences to disrupt our time with each other. You know, as JWs, we were pretty much cooky cutter people. We all talked the same and thought the same. While it is comforting to live in such a sheltered world, it was also very stifling. I hope that in our freedom we can learn to appreciate, tolerate, and enjoy our diversity.

    larc, that was beautifully said.

  • larc


    Thank you so much for the compliment. It really does make me very sad, when I see people here, hurt each other. I am especially sad, when the two contenders in a battle are two people that I especially like.

  • Brummie
    Most of the players in this twisted modern day Shakespearean tragedy remain the same.

    seven006 - modern day shakespearean tragedy...THAT was too funny.


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