Why does God need to be worshipped?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 17 Replies latest watchtower bible


    The Bible exhorts us to “worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—Deuteronomy 4:24; Revelation 14:7.

    • Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2 pp 1200-1202
    One of the Hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (ʽa·vadhʹ) basically means “serve.” (Ge 14:4; 15:13; 29:15) Serving or worshiping Jehovah required obedience to all of his commands, doing his will as a person exclusively devoted to him. (Ex 19:5; De 30:15-20; Jos 24:14, 15) Therefore, for an individual to engage in any ritual or act of devotion toward any other gods signified his abandoning true worship.​—De 11:13-17; Jg 3:6, 7.

    Another Hebrew term that can denote worship is hish·ta·chawahʹ, which primarily means “bow down” (Ge 18:2), or do obeisance. (See OBEISANCE.) Whereas such bowing could at times simply be an act of respect or of courteous regard toward another person (Ge 19:1, 2; 33:1-6; 37:9, 10), it could also be an expression of worship, indicating one’s reverence and gratitude to God and submission to his will. When used with reference to the true God or false deities, the word hish·ta·chawahʹ is at times associated with sacrifice and prayer. (Ge 22:5-7; 24:26, 27; Isa 44:17) This would indicate that it was common to bow down when praying or offering sacrifice.​—See PRAYER.

    The Hebrew root sa·ghadhʹ (Isa 44:15, 17, 19; 46:6) basically signifies “prostrate oneself.” The Aramaic equivalent is usually associated with worship (Da 3:5-7, 10-15, 18, 28), but it is used at Daniel 2:46 to refer to King Nebuchadnezzar’s paying homage to Daniel, prostrating himself before the prophet.

    As a father, I never required my children to worship me. I just wanted honor and respect. They never needed to thank me for every meal, clothing that I purchased for them, taking/picking them up from school and doctor visits, paying for their first automobile or their college tuition. They were never made to get on their knees and beg for forgiveness. Punishment was never used to make them see their wrongs, control them or instill fear.

    Why does God need to be worshipped?

  • skin

    I have always disliked the term "Family Worship". We shouldn't worship family. Just like goat worship is worshipping goats. Why was it not called something like family study which is more like what it is?

  • pistolpete

    An ALL MIGHTY---ALL POWERFUL-ALL KNOWING- GOD---has no need of worship.

    He creates and moves on to the next project.

    The Bible deity Jehovah or YHWH is a man made construct. With emotions only humans can understand like jealousy, anger, Boastful, bully of the worst kind, picking on weak mortal humans, unforgiving personality, etc.

    When the bible says YOU MUST NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, because it is a sin against God, but praises the wisdom of Solomon who had 1000 wives, or encourages and tolerated the "Having" of several wives like King David, etc, we can see that the dos and don't written in the bible are commands of men with a hidden agenda..

  • waton

    worship fills a human need. It is a human invention. Cain & Abel were not commanded to worship.

    we know our end is unavoidable, we want to fill that present and coming void. with presents.



    That is something I thought all along!

    How do you make the Jews God's chosen people, have God fight all your winning battles, have a powerful and all knowing God be so jealous of a measly, mortal Moses taking credit for finding water, that God does not permit him to enter the promised land, strike down and kill Ananias and Sapphira, who held back a puny amount of money? Write a man made construct YHWH in a collection of books that is still taken literal 2000 years later!

  • waton

    R R right. the scriptures paint a caricature of a being that would be responsible for setting up the known universe, not to think of the unknown.

    writing is to serve the writers.

    how do you dare to withhold all you vowed, when keeping a portion will kill you?

  • pontoon

    I've always said, even on this forum years ago, if I ever saved someone's life I would say "buy me a beer and we'll call it square."

  • Overrated

    Why does the God of the universe, all knowing, all powerful, need humans to worship him and give him money? I smell a rat!

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    As a father, I never required my children to worship me. I just wanted honor and respect. They never needed to thank me for every meal...

    Yes... and what father would curse his grandchildren and every generation thereafter to horrible sicknesses and death just because his son or daughter broke one of his rules ?

  • Diogenesister

    And what father would “choose” one of his children to be special, favoured over all the others and command them to kill their brothers and sisters so they could take their possessions.

    If god needed to teach us pure worship he could have appeared to all tribes and taught them all.

    Its suspicious that it required one group to steal the land and possessions of another group in order to practice “pure worship”. Not to mention god telling the people to give their silver gold, shekels and best meat to the very men talking to god for them!!!🤔

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