Personality Types

by breal 24 Replies latest social relationships

  • SPAZnik

    Neat post. I enjoy this topic too! The thing I find most useful about books and information on personality types/profiles, is the conversations and understanding it opens up about ourselves and those around us. I find this of value at this point in my life, having recently "de-similated" (is dat a word?) and trying to figure out who the hell "I am" or where I want to go from here. Personally, I don't like being pinned down to one "type" and wouldn't presume to do that to anyone else. It has been my experience that people are generally not static or stationary like dat. I've changed a lot and continue to. I relate to many personality "profiles" and find that the best use for these is simply as a tool for exploration...and maybe some understanding.

    IMHO and based on human nature I have felt that people tend to romantisize there own perceived personality type.

    What gives you this impression? Are they romanticizing their perception of themselves? Or could you perhaps be cynicizing your perception of them? Or perhaps its a combo of both based on neither one fully understanding the subject/person in question?

    I am interested in this from the standpoint that perhaps what we perceive as our personality type may not be how we come accross to others?! Has anyone experienced this? For example two people recently called me a romantic and I have always felt myself to be more of a realist.... Or perhaps our generalization of personality types causes us to automatically miss out on opportunities to relate to diverse or opposite personality types?

    Your suggestion that "what we perceive as our personality type may not be how we come accross to others" sounds bang on to me. For example, I'm curious, how do you define "realist"? I've actually wondered about "realists", does a realist see their view of a given situation or person as "the way it is"?
    I jest, and I agree it isn't very realistic at all to expect any two people to look at any one person with entirely the same opinion or perspective. I totally agree with you that generalizations and labels can really skewer the real issues at hand. Especially since hardly any two people would agree on the definitions of said labels or generalizations.

    I know of a person who considers themselves a thinker or introspective type - but this person comes accross as one with a barely concealed rage and very opinionated but attempting to control it with a distate for those who are not necessarily more opinionated but more comfortable expressing or discussing opinions. I think this person takes there self imposed personality type a little to far and tries to stifle natural diversions into other personality types tendancies that this one finds negative. One person seems to be passive aggressive and comes accross as believing that it is better to subtly or not so subtly be argumentative and then not stick around for the debate or discussion...and then blame it on the other individuals conversation style or personality type...
    Have you told this person (or these people, i'm a little unclear as to how many people you are refering to here) of your judgement(s) of them or their behavior? On what standard do you base your judgement(s)?
    Do you think that someones conversation style can be different than there personality type or is it all linked or situation dependant?

    I'm no expert, but I'll take a wild stab at it. I think conversation style and personality "type" are two different things although they may have some influence on each other. I think both are impacted by varying elements of any given situation. I think both have a lot to do with skill, training and "evolution" or "adaptation" if you will, of the individual in question.


  • SixofNine

    *reaches up and tickles SPAZ*

    what are the characteristics of the IMHO personality type?

  • breal

    JGNAT – Thanks for the links. When you said you have learned to “act like an extrovert” is along the lines of what I am thinking – that we adapt in various ways as needed but fundamentally we are who we are.

    Valis – Interesting article – I guess others will be happy to know there is hope for me yet!

    Caligirl – I too have found that I am instantly drawn to certain people & in training classes where these mini personality tests have been done we usually end up as similar personalities.

    Essie – I agree that we are basically the same person like you say but I am referring more to isolated situations or interactions. Thanks for the book I will check that out.

    Larc – Cool subject to research in depth.

    Spaz – My impression of human nature is just that – my impression based on interaction with others… but yes you completed my thought more completely as my original post was to say “romanticize our own type” and “vilify the polar opposite types” – but that was to strong a word & I could not think of another to replace it…so being cynical of other types or people in general is perhaps what I was getting at. I agree lack of understanding is part of it.

    I said “more of a realist” but I do fancy being viewed as a romantic. As far as your question asking me to generalize about “realists” seeing their view of a situation or person as “the way it is” – I believe that all people regardless of personality type are “guilty” of that.

    The inability to have a meaningful & complete conversation is what prompted my post…so nope I have not expressed my opinions. These are not judgement(s) as this is not a “right” or “wrong” situation more just perspective. Not sure what you mean by “on what standard do you base your judgements?”



  • SPAZnik
    The inability to have a meaningful & complete conversation

    Awww, that must be frustrating. Can I ask whutz stoppin' ya? Do you have their phone number or email or mailing address? Or is it the jw thing? Or is it nerves? There's someone I too am way nervous about contacting and expressing my feelings to, uh, too, so I think I kinda relate to that sorta feeling. You'll lemme know if there's anything I can do to help, right? My number's open if ya wanna give me a dingle. :) (I'm working graves/wacky hours lately, so may be a little hard to reach, but try any time!!) I think I might even owe you an email. I've got one partially drafted. Being my spazzy self I just find you realists a little scary to open up to ya know? Takes me time, i think slow and bore easily. *big grin*

    Oh and This One Time, I was with my polar opposite (according to Keirsey/Bates/Carl Jung)
    and boy did sparks fly! (girl-talk-you-me-soon!!.........whaaaat? it *could* happen! haha)

    Overall, I think we all have varying degrees of various personality types in us at varying times.
    So my opinion varies. (don't worry, i even confuse myself sometimes) Love,

  • breal

    SPAZnik - I have read my "Strange Memories" post over and over trying to see where I "whine for sympathy on that everyone is shunning" me as you accused me of in your email! Perhaps this view is just due to your tainted opinion of me or is it another post? In any case I was simply trying to express myself & my personal experience...and work through some issues.

    If my feelings and posts annoy you that much then simply don't bother reading them! I would prefer that instead of you pretending publicly to be all nice and sisterly as in your last post on my thread about “Personality Types” only to find you judging me in personal email! (As I said in my email back to you I was not referring to you in my “Personality Type” post and perhaps your feeling that way attributed to some of the nastiness of your email to me). Obviously this is not a place for me to express myself openly without having to worry about censoring myself to meet your standards of acceptable posts. So perhaps I will leave it to you!

    I will post this on both of my threads so you will see it.


  • Brummie

    B real, I just wanted to let you know that your post on strange memories was 1st class, a lot of people here would be able to relate to your experiences and thats the whole purpose of us making these posts. I cant see a whine either.

    You give a good input, dont be discouraged and dont censor yourself on the basis of ONE negative comment.


  • searchfothetruth

    I took one of the tests and i'm a Guardian (SJ).....whatever that means.

  • breal

    Thankx Brum! - I hear ya but you know how siblings can be...

    Search - yeah I came back as a Guardian Protector... gonna read more about it.



  • SPAZnik
    I will post this on both of my threads so you will see it.

    So *I* will see it, huh? *I* would have seen and heard a personal email if you had an issue with something I said, or with how I expressed it to you, in Trust.


  • kgfreeperson

    My favorite book on personality types: "I'm not crazy, I'm just not you."

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