God, where are you?

by onacruse 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    I haven't seen You posting here lately, and I just wondered if everything is OK?

    I've always considered You my best friend. But lately I've been thinking about a lot of things, and it occurred to me: You've never said one word to me in my entire life, even though I've sent You thousands of messages; not exactly what friends do to each other. And all those guys that said You did talk to them? Well, I never met any of them personally, since they've been dead for thousands of years. And all these yahoos running around today, some of whom I do know, and say You talk to them? Well, I don't mean to judge anyone, but they way they act, and the way they've treated me, makes me think 1) they're lunatics, and/or 2) they're just a bunch of power-grubbers trying to play a mind-game on me.

    I guess all I can do is keep-on-keepin-on, take my best shot, and try to figure things out for myself. That seems to be the way You want me to go.

    If You ever want to get in touch, You know how to reach me. I'd be thrilled to hear from You.


  • cruzanheart



  • expatbrit

    That's the trouble with imaginary friends. No matter how much you like them, they never actually do anything outside of your fantasy. And one day you fall off your tricycle and realise that illusions wont help you crawl home.


  • onacruse

    Nina, actually I feel very comfortable where I'm at right now. Today as I was driving back from the out-of-town job I'm doing, I was thinking "Hey, this is the way it is. I talk to God, he doesn't answer back." If He showed up in front of me, right now, I'd feel no fear to say what I've just posted. It's an honest inquiry, and worthy of answer.

    expat, while there was a touch of sarcasm in my post, the fact is that I do very much still believe in God. My reasons are based in physics, meta-geometry, and aesthetics. I don't think God is imaginary.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I've posted a response several times and erased each one. What I feel and believe is difficult for me to put into words. So perhaps it should wait for another day when I can express myself better.

    But I did want to let you know this is a topic I feel strongly about. I feel as if I am coming to a deeper understanding, but I'm not there yet. So I don't want to expose those feelings just yet.

    But thank you for starting this thread Craig.

  • Brummie

    Craig I dont want to be hijacking your thread but the words to this song (posted by cowboy on vincent) came to my mind when I read your post, every verse is good but particulary the last verse...

    ************* I DO BELIEVE **************

    written and performed by Waylon Jennings.

    In my own way I'm a believer

    In my own way right or wrong

    I don't talk too much about it

    It's something I keep working on

    I don't have too much to build on

    My faith has never been that strong

    There's a man there in that building

    He's a holy man,they say

    He keeps talking about tomorrow

    While I keep struggling with today

    He preaches hellfire and brimstone

    And heaven seems so far away

    I do believe in a higher power

    One that loves us one and all

    Not someone to solve my problems

    Or to catch me when I fall

    He gave us all a mind to think with

    And to know what's right or wrong

    He is that inner spirit

    That keeps us strong

    In my own way I'm a believer

    But not in voices I can't hear

    I believe in a loving Father

    One I never have to fear

    That I should live life at its fullest

    Just as long as I am here

  • SixofNine

    Now that is what I call an epiphany.

  • onacruse


    I feel as if I am coming to a deeper understanding, but I'm not there yet.

    For a guy who says he's never had an "epiphany," I'd say it sounds like your pretty darn close to having one. What with you digging on this, and Nina digging on Matt 24...your home must be like a Mensa meeting! As always, I look forward to your thoughts...whenever you feel ready to share them.


    That I should live life at its fullest

    Just as long as I am here

    Yep. It really can be simple, eh? Just a matter of letting go of all the crap we've let our minds be filled with, and listen to our inner voice:

    He gave us all a mind to think with


    PS: Brumm, what's a Brit doin listening to that there Merck C/W music? Isn't it banned in the UK?

    Edit to add: Six, I really should learn how to K.I.S.S., eh?

  • IslandWoman


    Beautiful post!

    I especially liked:

    I've always considered You my best friend. But lately I've been thinking about a lot of things, and it occurred to me: You've never said one word to me in my entire life, even though I've sent You thousands of messages; not exactly what friends do to each other.

    Beautiful words Craig.

    How do you know God has not spoken to you in your sleep, maybe during a dream you've forgotten but haven't really?

    I guess all I can do is keep-on-keepin-on, take my best shot, and try to figure things out for myself. That seems to be the way You want me to go.

    I think you're right about that Craig, though I don't think God is leaving you totally on your own.

    If You ever want to get in touch, You know how to reach me. I'd be thrilled to hear from You.


    Again, beautiful words.

    Thanks Craig,


  • SixofNine

    Craig, I'd say this post is K.I.S.S. worthy. It may be cliche, but it works, and it tends to help you cut through the chatter.

    Here's a simple song about letting go: http://nomenclature3.tripod.com/Learn_to_be_still.wma

    ps. you're right of course, He/She/it has our phone number

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