?I AM REALLY ANGRY!..and I need some advise!

by azaria 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman


    I read what Bebu told you :

    When I broach a tough subject with someone with whom I wish to keep a relationship, I try to let them know that the info I've gotten (which now affects my position) is rather upsetting to me as well. I let them know I have been trying to solve it, but have been unable to do it. Invite your mom to see if she can provide an answer for you. She might rise to the occasion, do some asking/research, and actually be affected. Don't dump a lot--give her something provocative and let her do some legwork. Then add more if you can.

    and I agree: in fact it did the trick with me: Vivamus kept telling me and forced me to think about other topics.
    First I was not happy with it at all - Now there is nothing positives left for me in the Borg - reason why I stopped visiting.

    Further, do what your hearth tells you - going against your instincts will even hurt you more.

    I wish you a lot of wisdom with your decision.

    Country Woman

  • azaria

    Hi DJ

    Why do I need to be loved by those who don't love me?

    This has been a struggle for me for quite a while. My mother would tell you that she loves me, but I’m not sure she’s really capable. The child inside me wants my mother to love me. At some point I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. She can’t give me what I need. I gravitated to older women, not realizing it at first. I then started to nurture myself. I also feel that doing things for my kids, ie giving them a card about how I feel about them, in some ways nurtures not only them, but me. That’s what I wanted, to be validated, to feel that I was special to them. From your second post I see that you feel better. Glad to hear that. Chin up

    Country Woman: I think Bebu’s & LadyLee’s advice was good, and plan to do it. I’m typing two letters and keeping copies for myself, as I know she'll misinterpret it. I think we’re about the same age, no? Tot ziens, doe de groeten an Viv. Heb ik het wel goed gezegt? Please Simon, don’t repremand me for speaking a different language, it wasn’t offensive, just saying goodbye!

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