Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread

by Simon 656 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I don't think I've ever been in hospital when there weren't people just stood around chatting.

    I haven't witnessed the choreography practices or filming of their dance routines but I've seen the results.

    People have this notion of what goes on based on dramatized TV shows where there's a mass casualty event every other day but the reality is way more mundane. Many of the jobs are low-skilled and generously paid for the hours.

    It's time we stop idolizing healthcare.

  • MeanMrMustard

    The guy wanting to lock down is 1) scared, and 2) not thinking about the NET effects. He is focusing one the virus ONLY. It is not reasonable.

  • Simonsez

    I am in healthcare . I am afraid you are mischaracterizing the situation. Covid is real!!! To those making comments regarding healthcare workers just standing around . I am patently offended. How many of you have heis a.covid patients hand while they are dying on a ventilator? I had to do this because the patient's loved ones where not allowed to visit. No one should have to die alone. I can tell you this stop listening to cab drivers for your information as to how hard we work!!!

  • Funky

    Don't worry, as you can tell by the downvoting that has started even at this early hour, soon you will have a few dozen folks here telling you that your experiences & observations don't matter, Hannity / Ingraham / OANN / whatever say something else, so that's that!

    If you're "lucky" you'll even get a few accusing you of lying about being a healthcare worker.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Some of us have family in hospital jobs. We know there is covid, also hear of the missteps that happen. People are avoiding doctors because there is the restriction and the hoops to jump through.

    Where I live the cases are going up. We are not told what test is used, ages, co morbidity,; one TV station did mention that the number of deaths are those who have covid but died from something else it, .

  • nonjwspouse

    Where I live the cases are going up. We are not told what test is used, ages, co morbidity,;

    In my opinion this is done on purpose. To create dramatics, fear, and allow more control.

    Lets hear, along with how many tested positive this week, how many were hospitalized with no other reason than covid? How many were already in the hospital. How many were not even sick. Those are highly important facts to go along with how many tested positive.

    That being said I wouldn't want to give covid to an elderly person with lung disease, so I take logical precautions. But the testing rates are not a reason to shut down economy and cause huge numbers of people to lose employment, and even more.

  • Simon
    How many of you have heis a.covid patients hand while they are dying on a ventilator? I had to do this because the patient's loved ones where not allowed to visit. No one should have to die alone.

    Exactly. The rules are stupid and cruel and haven't really been based on science.

    The medical industry are responsible for a lot of the deaths because they stuck to giving inappropriate treatments based on different illnesses that did more harm and caused deaths as a result because most healthcare industry workers don't really "practice medicine", they follow flowcharts and procedures.

    Remember all the hoopla about getting ventilators? Whatever happened to that ... oh yeah, they are not really needed. Wrong treatment. Thanks healthcare industry!

    The number of cases does go up when you do more tests. A good measure is the number of positives per 1,000 tests as it gives a better idea on whether the spread if going up or not. This measure is going down. We know the vast majority of people who are infected don't get ill and may not even exhibit any symptoms, so why we obsess over "cases" is silly but serves the media. It's like if they announced how many people had caught the flu every day.

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