Final Observations

by Esmeralda 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca



    I was glad to see you come to this site, and if you leave, I will miss your insights into your life.

    I really think you are taking things way too personally. I guess you are forgetting all the support the DBers on this site have given you when you felt down before. I guess they mustn't have given you enough support, or else you would have realised that the positives on this board outweigh all the perceived negatives.

    I'm sorry if you feel this way. So if you want to go, just go.

    Best wishes,


  • JanH
    (((((((so-and-so)))))))!!!!! I think so too!

    That comment made my day, JJ. I have been thinking the same thing every time I saw it, but I feared I'd infuriate the Jedi knights if I said anything

    Signing out,

    Darth Maul

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Englishman


    I'm sorry, but I for one am getting a little weary of people saying goodbye because they don't like the way that this board operates.

    To me this place is like a huge 100 screen cinema. If I dont like the look of a post - movie - I find something else to look at. Just as my wife found it impossible to get me to watch "Emma" at the cinema, so I avoid girly, highly emotional posts on this site, I simply lose interest after the first few lines.

    Sorry, but that's the way I am.


  • dark clouds
    dark clouds

    dunkin donuts
    krispy kremes
    why do we still resort to donut shops??!!

    some habits die hard

    good luck esmerelda

  • patio34

    Sorry if this belittles someone's emotions, but isn't this making a mountain out of a molehill? I just spent 20 minutes reading this thread and I don't get what all the fuss is about. But when the talk is about 'feelings' it often is nebulous, to say the least.

    I guess it's not only a male trait not to want to listen to all this talk about 'feelings.' This is the last time I use my valuable morning (or any other) time on the subject of emotions.
    I like facts, articles, opinions, and mentally stimulating discussions!


  • Focus

    Esmeralda said:

    I'm an observant person.

    And a prima donna ballerina, as we know.

    Try to remember you are not the center of things. It may help you find peace.

    (HTH Class)

  • Esmeralda

    Hope I didn't miss anybody...

    ianao said:


    Want to know what's REALLY SAD!?
    Whether you like it or not, NONE OF THIS SHIT WAS AN ISSUE BEFORE THE (H)ELL(2) (OFFER
    SAD... But TRUE.

    I'm sorry you feel this way ianao, and I don't think that you're alone.


    Well I didn't post to the other thread becuase I didn't feel like it. I read this post and don't
    really understand why you feel the way you do. I remember when you first started posting
    here, and I was glad to see you and you got a big welcome thread!!!

    Hi Venice, Yes, I personally did get welcomed in the beginning. Many people have been kind to me here. As I said I named my original thread wrong, it should have been 'are we welcome' not I because I was using myself as an example of a new person/h2o refugee and giving my viewpoint. I know that I'm not the only person who has had these feelings, others have told me so privately, off the board. I thought maybe if people realized that there was this rift between people who started out here, and those who ended up here, that maybe the line would be erased. I didn't do a good job of expressing myself I guess, things got worse.

    Just goes to show that good intentions are dangerous things!


    'I think it's a shame that there is a counter that keeps track of the number of posts,
    effectively dividing people into 'classes'. '

    It's one of the most useless features a discussion board can have. It tells you nothing about
    whether a person's posts are interesting or thought-provoking or worth spending time
    reading. I'd rather read a newbie who has something to say than a "jedi-member" (that's the
    highest one, right?), 90% of whoms posts amounted to something like:

    (((((((so-and-so)))))))!!!!! I think so too!

    Thank you, Jimmyjames! That is my point. It's easy to rack up the numbers if your posts are three words long!


    I am still new and I jumped right in. Screw anybody who doesn't like me responding and
    posting to everything. I'm opinionated and I don't care.

    *ROFL* slip, I could learn a lot from you I can tell *lol* Good for you, you keep giving it to em :)


    Now in this post there is an negative emotional reaction from you to those who posted in
    your previous thread to try and assure you of your welcomehood. Damned if they do, damned
    if they don't, sort of thing. I don't get it. (Bloody dumb male! )

    Hi expat...I really appreciate the sincere responses that were posted in that thread. But some were insincere, and I'm not the only one who thought so when I read them. I try to keep discussions like that in e mail and off the boards.

    I'm not worried about how I personally get treated, and I guess that I didn't state that clearly enough. I'm trying to make people consider the newbies...and to get the board back to the wonderful welcoming atmosphere that it had when I got here a short time ago. That's all.


    Damn, Women analyze wayyy too much. When women ask men, "what are you thinking?" and the
    man says, "Nothing" BELIEVE HIM!

    *LOL* TR! Good advice, that. I will keep it in mind.


    Warning: Contents under pressure. Do not expose to heat, sparks or open flames.

    ROTFLMExaustFumesOff! That sentence says it all for me Essie (the locked booth monster)

    Thanks UB for laughing, I think that everyone took everything that I said way too seriously. I'm glad that somebody is laughing! That was intended to be funny.


    And even then, sometimes you just don't like someone. Nothing annoys
    me worse than someone whining about feeling unwelcome.

    Slayerlayer, I'm glad that you're finding what you need here. That is the thing that I was concerned about, new people being welcomed. You're fortunate that you met the folks that you did your first time in chat, you got some of the cream of the crop.

    Sorry if you consider my post whining. I was just expressing myself.


    Reading your original thread, I was impressed at the overwhelming support offered to you.

    You were lavished with praise regarding your writing abilities, your contributions, your ability
    to touch others in positive ways.

    I know you are battling a number of debilitating health problems. Is it possible these
    circumstances are affecting your judgement in this particular matter?

    Yes I agree with you that many people here have been kind to me. I appreciate that. Like I said I was trying (badly, apparently!) to bring attention to a bigger picture. I didn't bring names into it of others who have felt the things I expressed because I didn't think it would help.

    My original intention was to get people to think about how they speak to others here. I didn't get the result I'd hoped for.

    As far as the MS clouding my judgement...there are lots of people on this board with chronic health conditions and I've never heard that question put to any of them.


    It's too bad you don't feel welcome Esmerelda. You were warmly welcomed and your posts get terrific responses. I think you're really being unfair. Did you really think you could write
    a post accusing people of being unwelcoming and not get a response? I don't believe so.

    I'm really sorry because I have enjoyed reading your posts. I'm observant too. I've seen
    people welcome you enthusiastically and respond kindly to you. They have been receptive and in that last
    thread you made, they tried in vain to welcome you (again).

    This is not about me! I was trying to present a bigger picture! Nobody got that. I really must have screwed up the way I worded my posts.

    Yes people have been kind to me What about others! What are the lurkers thinking when they read posts like ianaos?


    What is it about discussion boards that impels one to not simply cease and desist, but file a
    formal divorce action?

    You're right, TMS. I let myself get carried away. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has done that on this board before.


    I just do not like final good bye post they are very self serving.

    Sorry, I disagree with you there. I think that its better to know why a person is leaving, because those who stay may be able to learn something from their posts. I'm not talking about mine, I mean posts like Joel's and RR's. I think that they're a good thing.

    Sadly, I think that many people took my post personally when it wasn't addressed to them...obviously I wasn't talking to the people who answered me kindly! Why would I beat them over the head after they reached out to me? Makes no sense. That is not what I was doing.


    as it is I like this place, think I can contribute a little and be part of the group that
    provides some help to those wanting out or who are hesitant to join.

    Yes, Thirdson, you have a lot to contribute. I am hoping that things will settle down here and once again those who are hesitant to join in will feel that they can do so without being afraid. With balanced and sensible people like yourself, I'm sure that things here will get back on track.


    I really think you are taking things way too personally. I guess you are forgetting all the
    support the DBers on this site have given you when you felt down before. I guess they
    mustn't have given you enough support, or else you would have realised that the positives
    on this board outweigh all the perceived negatives.

    I'm sorry if you feel this way. So if you want to go, just go.

    Hi Prisca, I'm not forgetting all the support that I've gotten here. Like I said, the people who seem to have taken the most offense at my post are not the ones it was intended to address. As I said, I didn't do very well with the wording.

    I think that I've offered quite a bit of support to folks here as well, I've tried to anyway. I didn't want to just vanish instantly because I thought that there were those who would worry because everyone knows I'm unhealthy.


    I'm sorry, but I for one am getting a little weary of people saying goodbye because they don't
    like the way that this board operates.

    Ah, Englishman...what can I say? I'm sorry for making you weary. I respect you, you're contributions to this board and H2O have been very valuable to many people, myself included. I know that the board will keep going on and continue helping many people, because of people like you.

    Everyone, I made a mistake with the way that I handled my post. I wanted to make people think, instead I made them angry.

    I also thought, incorrectly apparently, that people here knew enough of my writing style to recognize the humorous elements I tried to inject into the thing as well (UB, god bless you for laughing!)

    I'm not sorry that I spoke my mind, but I am sorry that it caused more discomfort for the board. You were all doing just fine before the new folks got here and I know that you'll do just fine with them too. Just as soon as everyone really gets aquainted.

    I'm sorry for the feathers I've ruffled. I don't delude myself into thinking that my contribution matters much one way or another, so it shouldn't take long for this whole thing to disappear from your collective memories. I appreciate the friends I've made here, and I will keep in touch with them whether I post here or not. As long as they want to.

    I hope that this doesn't appear to be a self serving reply. I debated replying at all, but I thought if I didn't that people wouldn't like that either. I hope that everyone will just let this thread die and give attention back to the
    stuff on the board that deserves it.


    p.s. UB...((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))!!!

  • slipnslidemaster
    *ROFL* slip, I could learn a lot from you I can tell *lol* Good for you, you keep giving it to em :)

    I think so too! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Just kidding. Finally, someone acknowledged that I'm alive and she's LEAVING!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

  • Tina

    Hey slip!!,
    I wanted to say hello to ya! Yes you're alive lol. That was funny about Tina winning the mil bucks ty lol. Time doesn't allow me to respond as often as I'd like,but did want to let you know ,regards,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • slipnslidemaster

    Thanks sweetie!

    Say, are you half as cute as your pic indicates?? hehehe

    . o O (slipnslidemaster)

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