'Evolution' definition can include 'origin of life'

by hooberus 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'Evolution' definition can include 'origin of life' - wonderful!

    Now Hooberus can ignore all the masses of evidence for evolution that is post-abiogenesis and hijack any evolution thread, anytime he likes, by always directing the conversation back to abiogenesis.

  • Sanchy
    Classic case of arguing semantics
  • Giordano
    Why do so many ex-JWs have so much trouble getting over creationism?

    It's not just JW's it's people that need a certainty, a plan, a cause , an explanation that works for them.

    It's not science it's belief. Belief is faster then evolution.

    A dull mind can only except a short answer.

  • snare&racket

    Physics encompasses atomic interactions, but it isn't chemistry.....

  • Vidiot

    I've always gotten the impression that chemistry and physics actually overlapped a bit more than the specialists in each respective field would actually like to admit.

    (Except maybe the hot chemists and physicists who occasionally hook up. I'm sure they don't mind overlapping at all. :smirk:)

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