Would You Go To A Memorial Service For A JW )if you were no longer attending the KH)?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • dogisgod

    I have been comforted by other types of funerals/memorials but the JW memorial is a crass advertisement for the borg. Makes me madder than a comfort.

  • finallysomepride

    Yes I would, although it would be difficult, for me respect is more important than the difficulty I have in entering a KH.

    I have not been in a KH for over 16 years.

    In the last few years I have lost my Father, Mother & sister inlaw, luckily for me none of their services have been in a KH.

    and yes the services were a crass advertisement for the borg in varying degrees , this would have happened in KH or at other venues

  • millie210

    I would go.

    It is not about me. It is about the person the service is for. I have honed the art of tuning out what is said from the platform and view Jws as just another religion among many.

    I go when Catholic friends die too for the same reason.

    Its true, I have personal history with JWs and the people there and the religion was personally not helpful and even hurtful in some ways to me but as I said, someones funeral/memorial isnt about me and I dont make it about me. I do it for them.

  • ttdtt

    I just went recently. It had been 2 years + since I had been in the Hall.

    It was ok. Funny the variety of reactions, from avoiding you at all costs, to the fake we miss you, to the sincere we miss you, to normal conversation.

    I was so happy to leave the place though.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I have attended funeral services for elderly JWs I liked, but I go to the funeral home and not the Kingdom Hall.

  • pale.emperor


    I'll never step inside a KH again. Ever.

    I'm wouldn't even attend my own mothers funeral because:

    A) She tells people im dead

    B) She wouldn't attend mine

    “Questions from Readers” (The Watchtower, 1961, p. 544) “We never want to give the impression to outsiders that a disfellowshiped person was acceptable in the congregation when in truth and in fact he was not acceptable but had been disfellowshiped from it.” A Christian congregation would not want its good name besmirched by having it associated with any to whom 2 John 9, 10 applied, even in their death.” Watchtower 1977 June 1 p. 347 Mourning and Funerals-For Whom?

  • carla

    How do they handle a jw death with a ubm spouse? Would they have a service/memorial regardless of what the family wants? would they show up at a service held by the family?

  • ssn587


  • kairos

    Never. Not for anyone.

    The entire JW experience is so disgusting, there would be no reason.

    I could see standing on the sidewalk with a simple sign for my wife's JW memorial.

  • stillin

    The df'd son of a dear old sister showed up at his mom's memorial. I wasted no time in meeting him and standing by him. Bunch of bastards...

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