Almost got caught lying about listening in to yesterday's Memorial

by RULES & REGULATIONS 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    , then as I delivered it, I looked at the audience and realised most were zoned out

    i did quite a few public talks back in the day--both home and away. I could drive anyone to sleep.

    the thought occurred to me: i could deliver half a talk--than stop--and start at the beginning again just to see if anyone had noticed.

  • slimboyfat

    Slide presentation? 😳 That was a curve ball. Almost busted!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I mean. bad can things be?

    Can't be any worse than Lloyd Evans,,,right?


    Plot twist: There WAS no Bethelite or slide presentation. She already knows.

    Slide presentation? 😳 That was a curve ball. Almost busted!

    Usually, my elder brother and his kids call with the Zoom I.D. and passwords. They never call me the next day to see if I Zoomed in the meeting.

    I'm beginning to agree with everyone that she threw a curveball to see if I really Zoomed in the Memorial. My cousin is too nice to throw me under the bus. We never discuss anything pertaining to the meetings and my lack of Kingdom Hall attendance.

    I think she called to have a real discussion, but soon figured out that I never Zoomed in and kindly didn't want to embarrass me.

  • dozy

    It seems a bit strange that the Org puts so much emphasis on passing the emblems even to the rather theatrical method of serving the servers , yet they are comfortable with people dialling in via Zoom for the memorial.

  • HiddlesWife

    Luckily, she didn't ask me about what race he was and what color suit he was wearing. Changing the subject helped me from further questioning!

    That's what I can't stand/I no longer stomach about certain JWs! Some of them--especially Uber- Ultra SPIMIs--feel that they can POLICE each other's spirituality, in that they can be like "Spiritual Policemen" and try to find/make judgment calls regarding if a dub is doing/following what the GB(2.0) is instructing them all to do! 😫 That's also why I, myself, family members, friends, and other dubs have woken up and left this heinous organization-cultporation!👏🏻👏🏽👏

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "spiritual policemen" LOL

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