Struggling to find a purpose

by My Name is of No Consequence 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice
    namey - . I’m now divorced, a large part of that had to do with me waking up.

    Same here. The Elders told her to leave me because I was labelled 'apostate(tm)'.

    I struggle too. I can no longer believe in God because I have asked honest questions. Religion to me, at least, is all fiction. Used by selfish grifters to get them money and power. They have pretended that the Bible/Quran or other pile of fiction is real, for their own ends.

    So. What do I do?

    I play in a fairly successful local rock band.

    I research my family tree.....some surprises there, too.

    I have joined a Viking re-enactment group.

    It only helps a bit. Most of the time I'm lost in a gloomy world.

    I know all life ends in death with no promise of an after-life (I'll find out or not after I shuffle off this mortal coil).

    It's just about filling the time before that happens, with stuff.

  • smiddy3

    You could also get involved in community activities in your area ,surely there is a variety you could choose from that may interest you.

    Such as :

    Senior Citizens

    Animal aid care

    Child protection agencys

    Hospital Liasion commttees

    And these are just a few off the top of my head

    And there are heaps more for you to choose from. You just need to search it out what`s avaiable in your area.

    Giving back in your community is heaps more rewarding and fulfills a purpose in life that surmounts anything the WT/GB would have you waste your time at .

  • truth_b_known

    PunkofNice - One day my wife and I are going to visit the UK. We need to get together. Pints on me!

    I play in a fairly successful local rock band.
    I research my family tree.....some surprises there, too.
    I have joined a Viking re-enactment group.
  • no-zombie

    When I reflect on my life past, I don't think that I ever gave much thought to my purpose of living very much. I was so consumed with the constant daily worries of looking after my wife, my children. my career and the affairs of the congregational treadmill, that a deeper looking into my life was not possible. However now that I am much older, I've had the time to do that very thing. And maybe this is the time when all of us start reflecting on the things we have done (or not done) and whether or not we have lost our way.

    For me, I began to see that the Society is not really all that fulfilling. In addition to all its theological failures and political maneuvering, it has all be come quite vague. Back in the 80s there was a sense of certainty and distinctness. However now with the cannibalizing directives of informing on your brother (or at least, marking such ones as unfit for association) the feeling of us vs the world has all but evaporation. Sadly we are now only left with a shadow of the brotherhood we once enjoyed, with many occupied with looking out for the organized fifth column of apostates. How sad it has all become.

    In regards to the question of purpose though, I think that we are fortunate that life offers us many purposes we can take up. However I believe that it is far better to think about the direction we have chosen, in the context of what it will ultimately give. This is because when our time is up and we are dying, will you be laying there in your deathbed with regrets and sorrows ... or will you have a mild feeling of contentment at how you've tried to spent your efforts when you had life and health.

    And while in the end the choice is ours to make, I do think that from what I have seen, a self-centered life will not be as rewarding or remembered, as one focused on giving to others in some way.

  • punkofnice

    truthy - Sounds like a plan! I'll warn you in advance, most of the big cities are human-rat infested sewers.

    If you want to get stabbed and robbed, go to London's residential areas. London is a craphole these days.

    Even my city is a disgusting lavatory of a place.

  • Elmer

    Hi Punk! Can you tell me more about your band? I’m in America and also a lifelong musician. I play guitar. Hope you see this and get back to me.


  • peacefulpete

    Even at an amusement park you can focus on the latrines and vomit. A free week's pass at Disneyland will come to an end. Should you not go and enjoy yourself?

    I know a woman (a die hard fan) who won a contest to go to a Pro football game with celebrity box seats, she declined the prize because she didn't want to pay the taxes. Don't be her.

  • punkofnice

    Elmer - The band does cover versions. I personally would prefer to do own compositions but it doesn't get gigs.

    We are Porky Pig the Bacon Boys. There is a Farcebook page for us.

    Regards Bass Player

  • peacefulpete

    I've given lots of opinions already, but just one more...

    Many of the comments in this thread reflect changes in us and we assume the changes are with them.. Middle age , relationship loss, new job even. These alter our perspective. What worked for us before may not now. I like to think I outgrew the church but maybe we just grew apart. I knew the church held views that could not be defended honestly long before I left. It was a piece of the puzzle, sure, but what really got my goat (no pun intended) was the inability to talk freely with people. Distrust of me and inability to relate to them made continuing there impossible. I've grown a lot in understanding about the history of Christianity and science since then that confirms my decision, but it came down to the church's mold no longer fit me or I'd probably still be there burying my thoughts.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    I appreciate everyone's input and viewpoints. I never really thought about a "purpose" until after I escaped the org's sphere of influence and got divorced. I remember sitting in my easy chair not too long after my (ex)wife and stepson moved out. That's then I really began to wonder about purpose, getting older, happiness, etc.

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