VIDEO - Memorial toast stuns Jehovahs Witnesses congregation!

by John_Carter_1912 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tiki

    Wow....interesting but it feeds into their persecution complex. Lot of empty seats in that hall...

  • ToesUp

    "Lot of empty seats in that hall..."

    AND a lot of old people. You will see this cult become small in number, as soon as many pass away.

  • ShirleyW

    I'm torn between doing that during the meeting, he offered solid facts, but some didn't even hear what he was saying and just tuned him out.

    Interesting observations of mines are I saw a few brothers in there with beer bellies the size of a woman in her ninth month carrying quintuplets. Also, didn't see any young people but A LOT of old grey haired sisters and that attendance was quite sparse for the Memorial, not what I remember when people would be lined up leaning on the walls and some had to stand in the lobby are listen in the library. When the steadfast old folks die away, you'll be able to hold the meetings in the basement of someone's house like the old Tuesday night book study.

  • Biahi

    In my moms hall there are 18 widows.

  • Atlantis


    Shirley your the best! What a gut buster!

    beer bellies the size of a woman in her ninth month carrying quintuplets.

    I laughed so hard I nearly spit my coffee all over the screen.

    and this:

    When the steadfast old folks die away, you'll be able to hold the meetings in the basement of someone's house like the old Tuesday night book study.

    Classic! And very accurate. Shirley, you keep me laughing like this and I'll have to run and get my blood-pressure meds.


  • scruffmcbuff

    I dont like that apprach but i commend his dedication. But all hes done is most likely give them all a buzz thinking about the persecution.

    My thoughys echo the others. Half empty hall, mostly elderly... i can imagine numbers dramaticaly falling over mext 15-20 years as the old ones run out of time waiting for the new system.

  • Atlantis


    I agree. I don't like that approach either. It is counter-productive and fuels the fire for their claim of persecution. Every picture I have viewed for the past 2 years has shown Kingdom Halls half empty or less.

    Your time span of 15 to 20 years may even prove to show a hint of kindness. The rate of decrease is becoming more and more evident.


  • ShirleyW

    Wasn't going for the comedy Atlantis, it's true, did you see those guys in the KH, I saw about 3 guys sitting there that were totally obese, plus one the guys that kicked him out wasn't so slim either. One of those guys that was talking to him outside reminds me of Mitch McConnell, probably thinks like ol' Mitch too. And when the old folks do all pass away in the all the congregations who will be left, did you see any young people in there?

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    I wish that when he does these hall blitzes or whatever he calls then, he would also mention something about the WT secretly joining up with the United Nations for 10 YEARS. And that WT has also secretly, paid out MILLIONS of dollars toward private settlements of child sexual abuse cases in their congregations over the years.

    And yes, I also noticed the extreme obesity of many of the members of this congregation. Some rather hefty fellows there. Many grey heads.

  • LongHairGal


    I watched it..noticed the surprisingly empty hall for a memorial.

    Even though people don’t approve of this happening and that JWs should be allowed to worship in peace - is anybody surprised that something like this would happen once in a while?

    The hypocrisy in the religion is staggering. Everything the man said was true and I hope it made some people in attendance go home and do research! And as for all those JWs shunning their family members- what happens when they are old and in need of care or money? Are they going to ask somebody who they shunned for 20+ years? They might get NO for an answer.

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