Are You Afraid To Publicity Express Your Opinion?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover123

    agree to disagree and go own way


  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm not afraid to express my opinion on this forum or even on facebook.

    The worst I've had is someone on FB doxing me and contacting my old uni because I said that cis women and trans women should talk out their differences re trans-women (biological males) using the ladies' toilets.

    However, I would be careful about publically expressing my opinions face-to-face, out in the street.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I find that many people are like the JWs in that they've been told to believe things and they don't question the official doctrine. For JWs, its the governing body. For many, its the media and whatever trends are on social media.

    For these types of people, I usually don't go out of my way to share my thoughts and I try not to have friends like that.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You know what they say about opinions!

  • RubaDub

    For a while, I was only expressing my public opinions in private. Then for whatever reason, I realized no one seemed to care.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I dare not reply. Forgive me!

  • LongHairGal


    No, I’m not afraid to express my opinion in public.

    It’s a good thing I am retired, because if some idiot in an office thought they would put something on my desk or send a communication trying to get sympathy or money for any cause in the news today.. I would go straight to them with the memo or whatever with my reply written across it in black magic marker.

    They try to pull this shit with women in offices (they never bothered the men).. I was never very popular years ago when I made it clear I didn’t want to be involved in office collections for birthdays and any other nonsense for other women who either never said hello or who I didn’t know.

  • LV101

    I swear LHG - you rock!

  • Giordano

    I have expressed my opinion by giving well founded information about the JW construct to small church groups who meet regularly....... usually monthly...... and who invite individuals who have had experience with a religion my case I was asked to discuss the JW's beliefs and organization.

    Here is a brief run down of the information I shared and how it was received.

    The group was approx. about 20 people many who I knew in my community through my volunteer work. So there was recognition but what they didn't know was that I had been a witness who left the religion in the mid 1960's.

    I opened by saying that my very presence appearing before this church group, was that if learned by any JW , it could cause me to be disfellowshiped. Banned from friends and family who identified as being a JW. A lot of these folks looked at one another and frowned at the idea of what could happen by my just meeting with them..

    I skipped through the JW history and moved to the problems that the Society was facing today. I started with the JW pedophile issue , the two witness rule that made it difficult to take action against the sexual abuse of minors.

    From there I moved on to their belief that a life saving blood transfusion was discouraged. That thousands died needlessly.... that it was Jonestown each and every year.

    That higher education was discouraged. It wasn't necessary because they had a firm belief that only a JW was going to be saved and Billions would die at the Battle of Armageddon.

    I then made it personal and mentioned that it was a common response of JW's who went door to door to comment on how nice a particular home looked and said that they would consider occupying the home after Armageddon.

    I wanted it to be personable so people had an understanding of how smug the JW's felt about their own families and if you didn't worship as they did you were not important nor significant at all.

    The half hour that was allotted for this meeting stretched to over an hour.

    I don't think a lot of doors will be opened to the JW's in my community. Since my wife and I live and volunteer in this community...... I have noticed a trend that they are not growing or make up a significant presence any longer.

    Though to be honest they never did have a presence. Never lifted a hand to help any non JW out. Never voted.

  • LongHairGal


    Yeah, I know I can be a bit much..but I’m tired of B.S. so I might be inclined to be a little outspoken.

    Also, I saw so much backstabbing and issues on jobs that I don’t have much camaraderie with other women. (Of course, I saw this in the kingdom hall too)...I’m pretty much of a loner and have just a few friends and that’s okay with me.

    My sister feels the same way.. We are both of the opinion that women have to be guarded about themselves. Too many people looking to take advantage.

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