Goodwill stores: A gathering place for Jehovahs Witnesses.

by Joliette 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    stillin: how much for a shirt, that's a good price. I must admit the wife bought a walking

    cane there for $5.00 when she hurt her foot. A hell of a deal,but no suits.

  • Virgochik
    A "lovely day" according to my mom is going in the ministry, getting lunch, and hitting the Goodwill store. She's proud of living simple and frugal. I get a kick out of the like new stuff I find there once in awhile, but to the Witnesses, it's a major fun hobby. They have so few things they're allowed to do, so going Goodwill shopping together becomes a treat.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Reverend Edgar L. Helms of Morgan Methodist Chapel in Boston started

    Goodwill as a mission of his ministry in 1902. Please don't tell them

    they will have no where to shop.

  • Diogenesister

    James Mixon11 minutes ago
    Reverend Edgar L. Helms of Morgan Methodist Chapel in Boston started
    Goodwill as a mission of his ministry in 1902. Please don't tell them
    they will have no where to shop.

    In fact Do tell them, they need to have a lesson in real Christian charity.

    I try to buy clothes and products from ethical companies and I think if witnesses are recycling more power to them - at least that's one posative thing they do!

  • GrreatTeacher

    We had to always shop the sales racks for clothes. Sometimes you could go into a nice store and find a clearance rack where things had been marked down multiple times. You didn't get the greatest selection, but some of the stuff was decent. I still use this trick today to round out my wardrobe.

    What I felt like I never had enough of was shoes. My dad believed that you got one pair of dress shoes for summer and one pair for winter. Then, you got one pair of athletic shoes and a separate pair of sturdy school shoes. No cute little girl flats or other cute shoes that a girl might like. I feel like if we didn't have to spend money on dress shoes that I could have had decent shoes for everyday.

    I had it better than my sister, though, who got stuck with a lot of my hand-me-downs. I remember one time getting a box of hand-me-downs from a family at the hall and that's the only time.

    Now once my baby brother was the only one left at home, they could afford to buy him pretty much what he wanted.

  • FayeDunaway
    James I had no idea!! If my mother knew, she would freak! Goodwill was the only 'approved' place to donate stuff and she donated all the time....What's a witness to do?? Start their own charity?!?! Oh...wait...they
  • sparrowdown

    Maybe they've been listening to Macklemore's song Thriftshop.

    I'm gonna pop some tags

    Only got twenty dollars in my pocket

    I'm a hunting, looking for a come up

    this is fucking awesome

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