Why it's good to discuss politics (but if you don't want to, you don't have to)

by LoveUniHateExams 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    As I recall, I first joined this forum to make a “political post” it was opposition to the Iraq war, which was an event that changed my view of the world and continues shape my view. I marched against the war, voted for the first time in my life to protest against it, and came to believe that Scottish independence was the only local way to escape being locked into quasi colonial conflicts over mineral resources half way around the world. I’m still anti war and I’m still for Scottish independence, for this and other reasons. I still believe Blair and Bush are the biggest criminals of recent times, and our world won’t be put right until we address the mistakes we made which cost so many lives and ruined so many others.

  • Simon
    I asked on here a while ago what this disdained word "liberal" means in political context. Genuine quesiton.

    There's no single answer. Part of the problem is that the left especially like to use labels and repurpose words to mask their true intent. So if they have a policy called "affordable care" then one thing you can guarantee is that it won't be affordable.

    There is a dictionary definition of "liberal" but most people who call themselves liberals politically seem to be the most illiberal intolerant people you can imagine.

    So what does it mean? It's easier and clearer to say "extreme leftist" to indicate what they truly are.

  • Simon
    I first joined this forum to make a “political post” it was opposition to the Iraq war, which was an event that changed my view of the world and continues shape my view

    It's funny how some are so offended that political discussions are allowed and point to it as "evidence that the forum is now going downhill". We have a long history of having vehement disagreement on political topics, it's healthy and should be not just allowed but encouraged (as long as people can debate properly).

    I still believe Blair and Bush are the biggest criminals of recent times, and our world won’t be put right until we address the mistakes we made which cost so many lives and ruined so many others.

    I agree, although I don't think there is any "putting it right", but the fact that Trump is not continuing or starting new wars is significant and often overlooked. Remember the claims that he'd start WWIII? Not only has conflict with Iran and North Korea been avoided but peace is actually breaking out in the middle-east (who knew, giving $1bn palette of cash to a terrorist-sponsoring state was bad for peace).

    I am still amazed that some people can't see through the media and discern basic realities. They seem to always pick the wrong side. I can only assume that they fall for every scam in real life or maybe they just like to act like gullible fools online.

    I'm pretty sure that ALL of my positions, however ridiculed and unpopular they may have been at the time, have subsequently been vindicated as right in hindsight. Whether that is the Iraq War, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown or whatever. And even if I have been wrong, well, I hope I've at least argued my case and explained why I believed or held a position. You can't be wrong for having a logically defendable position, even if it turns out to be incorrect, but a hypocritical position (such as "Trump isn't a good example" while you vote for a Clinton or Biden) or one where you only post debunked claims and hoaxes ("Russia collusion!!" "Fine People!!") is intolerable to behold.

  • minimus

    When someone STILL MAINTAINS that Trump is a Russian asset and he is cahoots with Putin, it’s like crazy talk! These are the same people to tell you today that we are in a cult if we say anything positive about Trump

  • pistolpete

    I asked on here a while ago what this disdained word "liberal" means in political context. Genuine quesiton.

    What are we calling people who believe in equality and live and let live attittude?

    Is there a box for me?

    Yes there is a box for you.-------see what I did there

    Right, Left, Far Right, Far Left, Middle Right, Middle Left, Extreme Far Right, Extreme Far Left, Right wing Capitalist, Socialist, Communist, Nazism far-left, Dictatorial far right, Gender-less far-left, God-given gender right, and about a hundred different more names are all the different terms that have arisen the past couple of decades to describe certain political ideologies.

    They are not legal political terms but are more “Name Calling” to demean the other party.

    The truth is that here are only two prominent Working parties as of now, in the USA. Republican, and Democratic. But in reality there are lots of political parties. The only problem is that none of the other parties have been willing to take it to the next level💪


    So what informed voters in the USA do is study the platform of each party at election year and choose the party that they feel will benefit them and their family and the Country for future generations. These are called the “Silent Majority”


    The silent majority is an unspecified large group of people who do not express their opinions publicly. They do not join in the demonstrations against this or that thing going on in the media. They do not join in the counterculture, and they do not participate in any public discourse. This is what is called Middle Americans. They are the one that are being overshadowed in the media by the more vocal minority. These are the ones that study the platform of each party and vote accordingly.

    Un-informed voters on the other hand will vote on what Political Scientists call “Character Politics” These are usually individuals who never went to college, and if they did, they never took Political Science courses seriously.

    They have no idea what the political platform of each party is for the particular election years. They don’t even know where to look. They depend on the News media, blogs, and posts for information on the character of the candidates running for office - not realizing that the candidate they are voting for might be working against their interest. These are the ones that instead of discussing platform objectives, they use name calling like “He” a bigot, He’s a Liar, He’s a Russian Spy, He grabs them by the Pus*Y

    I have a relative that is a Political Scientist who studies the voter trend. He says America is slowly becoming a nation of uninformed voters who depend on the news media, twitter, facebook, google, etc.. They don’t realize that the news media in the USA is the main “Marketing Tool” for Corporations to sell their products and Political Parties to buy “Smear Campaigns” against the opposing party. The News media is mainly for the benefit of the uninformed voters who don’t know any better.

    He says being uneducated in the Country’s Constitution is a major part of it, and also, being gullible and easily fooled.

    So instead of saying I vote for this President, -----an informed voter will say, I vote for the Republican Platform because----(Name the Reasons) or the Democrat Platform because ----(Name the reasons)

    No party is going to have everything you wish for or align with your perspective. But some parties objectives are so crazy that just by looking them over. you can see with clarity that if voted in, the citizens will suffer and the Country’s political structure will start to change based on the political party’s ideology.

    That's what happened in places like Germany, Venezuela, and so many other countries whose citizens failed to study the platforms of the new political ideology making its way in.

  • Driveby
    the fact that Trump is not continuing or starting new wars is significant and often overlooked.

    True, but his close friend Thomas J. Barrack explained that by stating Trump would not start a war because there was nothing in it for him.

    Hundreds of medical doctors claim Trump is a classical narcissist, which explains why he only does things that directly benefit him. So, yeah, the fact that he hasn't started a war is a plus for America regardless of why he has not mobilized our troops. A comparison might be like learning your eyesight has improved temporarily as the result of terminal brain cancer.

  • minimus

    Drive by just can’t say anything positive about Trump. If Trump started a war, it’s because he is a narcissist. If he didn’t start one it’s because he’s a narcissist. Dumb....

  • Driveby
    As I recall, I first joined this forum to make a “political post” it was opposition to the Iraq war, which was an event that changed my view of the world and continues shape my view. I marched against the war, voted for the first time in my life to protest against it

    War sucks. From personal experience.

  • Driveby

    They are not legal political terms

    There are illegal political terms? Oh, God, I may have said, "socialist." Please, I really didn't mean it. If I'm incarcerated, who's going to care for my pet capybara?

  • smiddy3

    A serious question for Americans : Why do the smaller states have more voting power than some of the bigger states ? { I do hope I have phrased my question right ?}

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