If Prince had an addiction to prescriptions drugs, it's a personal matter but if I want to grow a beard or attend college, it's not.

by ToesUp 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    We could expect to be marked by the congregation for listening to his music. We could expect to be dfd if we did the things he sang about.
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I always got the sense that even though they supposedly don't view one person as more important than another, when someone noteworthy becomes a JW or says something complementary, it somehow serves as validation and quiets their own insecurities about the religion.

    "See....even someone as famous and wealthy as Prince recognizes that we have The Truth"

    Prince was said to be worth $300 million so apparently he didn't have to continue performing or living that lifestyle in order to survive, yet JW's are willing to give him a free pass even though they themselves would be reprimanded for doing the same thing. They are expected to quit employment that keeps them from attending meetings, has bad association after hours or endangers their spirituality.

  • oppostate
    Pete Zahut:
    "JW's are willing to give him a free pass even though they themselves would be reprimanded for doing the same thing."

    Any R&F (+ non-celebrity) publisher would not be seen as being in good standing. There would be restrictions on commenting and saying prayer, etc.

    But we've seen it time and time again that celebrities get a free pass. It's been like that throughout the WT's history.

  • sparrowdown

    I almost wish I was still going to meetings so I could turn up wearing a Prince-inspired skin-tight purple skirt suit and white puffy shirt complete the look with trowled on make up and eyeliner and dripping fake pearls and occult symbols.

    I would just say if it's good enough for Bro Prince.......

  • sparrowdown

    I hear Brother Prince was having a bad influence on the young ones.

  • hoser
    A sister in my hall was disfellowshipped for addiction to prescription drugs.
  • atomant
    l wouldnt be surprised if all the gb were taking prescription drugs for alzheimers.
  • Vidiot

    @ hoser...

    I've heard of that sort of thing happening, too.

  • steve2

    The journalist should have asked the elder about the blatant imagery on Prince's latest CD which depicts him wearing triple lens sunglasses - with the third lens over the area religious mystics refer to as "the third eye". Accidental? Unintentional? If so, then I'm the tooth fairy.

    I get the impression that his more zealous JW days were behind him and he was just getting on with his creativity but keeping his nose sufficiently clean to escape the elders' intrusions.

    Besides, he had been on a series of tours in the months preceding his death that consumed his time and energy. Now, tell me he made time for the field service? In my opinion, not just his looks but his lifestyle pretty much precluded field service. Why do they make it appear otherwise?

    Imagine chasing after Prince for his field service report!

  • Hadriel
    They make him sound like regular joe publisher. I just don't see that at all.

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